Archived ESP Price

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Jun 30, 2011
So I was poking around MySupport the other day and I found an interesting topic about ESP's. I already knew this for clearance items, but basically when an item is on sale you are supposed to sell the ESP for the regular price, not the sale price. Which kind of sucks because one of the awesome selling points is saying "and since this camera is on sale for $99, the service plan is only $7 for 2 years!".

I've still been having my team sell them for the sale price after reading that, I just wanted to know if ya'll had heard about that and what ya'll do.
How did you not know that? It's one of the first things you are taught in electronics is that the service plans are tied to the original price of the item and not the sale price.
Yeah we were told all wrong. We were trained that ESP's are based on what it sells for so if it goes on sale the service plan is cheaper too lol
Exact same thing here at my store, we were always trained it was on the selling price.

Looks like when I bring this up next week our horrible attachments on those will be even worse.
Other than being a hit for the company by a few dollars, does us accidentally selling the wrong priced service plans make it harder for the guest? Just so I'm prepared when the inevitable storm of people come in pissed off b/c their replacement plans don't work..
Uh Oh. I know for a fact that our whole team sells them based off the sale price and not the original price. I wonder if that does have any form of impact when they go to get it serviced.
Uh Oh. I know for a fact that our whole team sells them based off the sale price and not the original price. I wonder if that does have any form of impact when they go to get it serviced.
We are doing ESP off sale price too. Good question, scram.
How did you not know that? It's one of the first things you are taught in electronics is that the service plans are tied to the original price of the item and not the sale price.
When I was Electronics Specialist (and for some time after that when I still worked Electronics) we were all told to sell to the sale price to make it that much sweeter for our scores and easier to sell it to the guest. This was also the way we did it when Toys "R" Us came out with their Buyer Protection Plans back in the day.

I'm curious about the date of the message the OP read. Perhaps it's something new that wasn't highlighted?

As far how it matters for the guest, I seem to recall hearing something about how they have to honor the agreement as long as it makes logical sense to have sold it for that price. Example, selling a $200 camera for $99, which would put it in a different bracket.
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What about the replacement plans for the smaller items? If they were purchased on sale, are they replaced regardless of price or issued a giftcard for the amt paid?
I'm pretty sure they didn't tell us either at the lanes, seeing as we rarely sell service plans there.
I'm curious about the date of the message the OP read. Perhaps it's something new that wasn't highlighted?

The date of the MySupport was in early September iirc.

I have been thinking this is unfair for the guests because if the item is on sale and they have to purchase the plan for the regular price and something were to happen and they get a giftcard, isn't the giftcard for the sale amount, not the regular price? So they are paying more and getting less?

It just seems that if they are going to get less if something were to happen, then the plan should cost less. But I understand Target is a company that looks to make money just like every other company, so I was just wondering how everyone else does it.
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At my store we sell them based off the price of the item a guest is buying. If the item goes on sale then we base the ESP price off that. I have never heard anyone saying the ESP price stays the same even if the item goes on sale. Will be interested to find out which way is true. I assume that since HQ hasn't said anything, its alright to sell them cheaper if the item is cheaper...
Will be interested to find out which way is true. I assume that since HQ hasn't said anything, its alright to sell them cheaper if the item is cheaper...

HQ said to sell them at the regular price. I found the FAQ response while searching for the DPCI's for the 3 year gaming service plans. I'm sure you can find it if you poke around mySupport.
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