Archived ETL Paygrade 9 to Paygrade 11

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Mar 12, 2013
I'm a Paygrade 9 ETL and I'm about to hit my one year. What does the process look like for Paygrade 11s and what is the percent increase? Also how long does it take for the change to hit your paycheck. Thanks!
SrTLs are paygrade N17. ETLs have a different paygrade system.

Any ETLs who could help us out, please?
I believe it's a 5 percent increase to pay grade 11. The offer I received was pay grade 11 and about 5 percent higher than other ETLs starting at 9. I could be way wrong though considering I don't start till next may.
I believe it's a 5 percent increase to pay grade 11. The offer I received was pay grade 11 and about 5 percent higher than other ETLs starting at 9. I could be way wrong though considering I don't start till next may.

That sounds about right. The process for going from 9 to 11 is rather easy as well. I think it is basically a status with the HRBP now if I am not mistaken? 13s are still interviews, but not as tough as they used to be.
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