Archived etls getting a lil cocky

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Jul 16, 2011
Was kind of funny, all my etls were up at tsc making fun of the interview process, mocking the star format, mocking the "tell me about a time you..."


If it wasn't for that idiot bullcrap none of you would have your jobs. Nothing about you qualifies you to be leaders, and you sit here and make fun of the very thing that got you you're job! Talk about biting the hand that feeds lol!
Honestly there's been 1/2 ETL's I really enjoyed. The rest can....well you know. ETL's have no middle ground. They're either really hard working and looking for solutions or walking around chatting on channel 3 all day.
Another nice touch today was the 25 minute meeting the leadership had by the electronics boats today. I heard an awful lot of laughing going on, so I asked an electronics tm for cliff notes of their meeting...

"push all toys today"
"push all video games today"

WOW, while today's truck probably did not get done and will have to be completed tomorrow along with the morning pulls! Really guys?
I'm growing really tired of execs with no prior work experience, never seen anyone with so little common sense as these people.
I miss the days when you had to work as an apprentice before you could be a master.
My father was a carpenter and became a foreman, running huge construction projects but first he spent years cleaning up and hauling stuff while learning his trade.
Try being the captain of a commercial fishing boat without working your way up.
That's a quick way to die.
Pretty much the only jobs you can walk into with no job experience is Etl's and strippers.
I miss the days when you had to work as an apprentice before you could be a master.
My father was a carpenter and became a foreman, running huge construction projects but first he spent years cleaning up and hauling stuff while learning his trade.
Try being the captain of a commercial fishing boat without working your way up.
That's a quick way to die.
Pretty much the only jobs you can walk into with no job experience is Etl's and strippers.

this is so true - karma to you!
I miss the days when you had to work as an apprentice before you could be a master.
My father was a carpenter and became a foreman, running huge construction projects but first he spent years cleaning up and hauling stuff while learning his trade.
Try being the captain of a commercial fishing boat without working your way up.
That's a quick way to die.
Pretty much the only jobs you can walk into with no job experience is Etl's and strippers.

Hey now, that's insulting to strippers!
try having an etl tell you.. "we may not be fun or friendly but we sure as hell are gonna be fast" and "the only effective management style is to be a douche".... oh yeah, and my feedback on becoming a lead.. I'm too friendly. 0.o
I just imagine their idiotic heads going through a blender that I push the "Gooify" button.
Look, we're all gentlemen here, so I can be frank and say I have been to more than my fair share of gentlemen's clubs!
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