Archived Extra money bundle?

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Mar 31, 2016
Hi I’m a GSTL and was wondering what does it mean when there is an extra money bundle. Any input? Thanks!
Don’t post things like this on the internet. You never know what creeps are lurking here. I bet a lot of scammers are on here just to learn our weaknesses.
This. One of my first apps, the guy admitted to researching AP and our policies to try and beat us at our own game. It didnt work, but still. You never know.
Usually it's the result of forgetting to put the start fund in while re-banking registers.
Means having the GSA/GSTL go from register to register to see which one was missed.
I’ll always count them as soon as the LOd gets them and let them know if they gave me an extra so I don’t get blamed at the end of the night and have to search the whole store for a register without money
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