Archived Feedback for new hire

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Sep 5, 2016
Hi, I've only been working for a week now, maybe about 38 hours or so, but nobody has really said how I'm doing. Is it just that I'm too new to really give fair feedback? Just would be nice to know how I'm doing...if I'm doing anything wrong....etc...but nobody has really said either way. I suppose no news is good news? Or if not good, not bad enough to worry about?

Mostly hardlines, with my first cashier training/shift being today.
Most of my co-workers at first just left me alone. I really only noticed on the Front lanes anyone really cared... and it was only my GSTLs and GSAs. When I first started out and I turned my blinker on a lot of cashiers would see if they could help me. But doing my first time Hardlines really I'd get checked up on at first but then not at all. Everyone else on Hardlines has a task to do and you have your own task so I assume that's mostly why no one bothers, although I wish more people would. Usually if you're working Freight and Pulling stock/flexing and collecting back stock you're not alone usually.

But if anything, another co-worker usually isn't far away. Usually two workers per block is how it's been at my store if there's a pull or backstock to flex.
This kind of thing is entirely dependent on your leaders. I like to give recognition and thanks as I see fit on a daily basis, but some leaders in my store give hardly any feedback except as required (90 day check ins, annual reviews, etc.)

I'd recommend asking your direct report how you're doing, and if they have any feedback for you so far. Reaching out like that and taking an active role in your development makes a strong impression on leaders.
You will have a formal 30 day review. Keep doing your thing, good luck.
Is that new?

I shoulld clarify new TMs now have a 30 and 60 day check in and then a 90 day formal review. It is pretty much questions about who has been helpful, how you are driving sales, etc.

I didn't have a 30 or 90 day review.

That is interesting, was your HR team asleep? At my store they skip the check ins for external TLs and specialiry folks but the 90 days are required typically.
I shoulld clarify new TMs now have a 30 and 60 day check in and then a 90 day formal review. It is pretty much questions about who has been helpful, how you are driving sales, etc.

That is interesting, was your HR team asleep? At my store they skip the check ins for external TLs and specialiry folks but the 90 days are required typically.

Fairly regularly. ETL-HR was more interested in their own promotion. One HRTM mostly ran the department on their own with ETL-HR signing off if necessary. Checking in with employees that weren't doing anything wrong was not high on the priority list.
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