Archived Finishing a truck in 2.5 hours is not a good thing...

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Team Member/Troll
Jun 16, 2011
If they are going to want people to stay on. It is not worth getting up at 5AM to come to work for two and half hours, especially with gas prices the way they are right now. But beware at your store if this new process comes to your store.

They started up a rather horrible new way of unloading and pushing the truck. They are now going to micromanage people down to the second. I literally was being yelled at because I refused to two different departments that do not go together onto the same backstock. It's going to be interesting when they try that again. They got the truck done in record time but I have never seen people so angry!

The new DTL came in the other day and during his visit we had a lot of extra traffic, because of the shortage of hours at our store they got rid of the sales floor and it came back to bite them in the ass. We had guests dumping their carts and walking off because the lines were so long and it was announced over the walkie that way. Apparently the DTL came down hard on them and they came up with some strategies to get some more hours available for Sales floor and one of them is cutting them from Logistics because there can never be any help for the sales floor from the ETL'S. I will never understand the fact that Target's main interest is cutting costs and not more selling stuff to it's customers but I digress.

Their new process is incredibly stressful on the team. They made their goal time for the day and saved a lot of payroll but it was like watching somebody push their car at 140MPH for a four hour trip. Sure initially things are going to seem to go faster but it's going to quickly explode as the oil, engine break down due to wear and tear. As I was leaving, some members were talking about leaving the company in the most destructive way possible. Not the most healthy sign...
Sounds like the overall direction that Target has been going. Most of the flow team members I work with are on the verge of walking out as it is. Oh and Target loves high turn over, keeps the benefits down. I actually don't shop at Target at all anymore for the same reason your guests were leaving, Im not going to stand in line for 20 minutes when I can go to a different store, get what I want and get out.
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I know. I bang my head against the same wall every day as I listen to this (I'm in electronics most of the time). Though at the time I do believe they were in a team lead meeting or something to that effect, I just remember people coming to my register which is a few hundred feet away to check out a little bit faster.
A bit off topic but considering the flow team. I know my ETL-LOG comes down hard on the early backroom crew and flow team at times. People says he does it because he wants to stretch you beyond expectations (which I can believe, but where Target is concerned I just think it is total bull). Monday morning I heard they had 8 call outs for flow and backroom early crew. So thus some people had to stay lated (like until 2 pm). Well the next day when everyone got back who was absent on Monday, he really layed into them. He said something along the lines of "in my 31 years of Target I have never been late or have called out (okay that I will call bull crap on, there is no possible way, unless you are super human), now if you guys dont want to show up or do your job (I know these guys work to the bone each morning), then you can go ahead and clock out". I couldn't believe what I had just heard, what I would have liked to see is each and everyone of them walk out, then see where not having a team gets him. But of course they all stayed in kicked it into full gear.
^^^ makes sense...sometimes i get a feeling my etl-log was told to "be as annoying as possible." some of the things they say and do, has an antagonistic vibe to it...i'll catch myself thinking, "why did it feel like those instructions were designed to get under my skin?" i mean i just wonder if they are maneuvering to get as many veteran team members to voluntarily quit, that they possibly can.
"in my 31 years of Target I have never been late or have called out (okay that I will call bull crap on, there is no possible way, unless you are super human), now if you guys dont want to show up or do your job (I know these guys work to the bone each morning), then you can go ahead and clock out". I couldn't believe what I had just heard, what I would have liked to see is each and everyone of them walk out, then see where not having a team gets him. But of course they all stayed in kicked it into full gear."

honestly, this kind of leadership has its time and place. granted, these people are a-holes and bullies, so they can get carried away. But it's kind of nice having a boss that you fear a little bit, a boss that can get you to work hard. I read an article saying people can actually deal with an abusive boss MUCH better than they can deal with an incompetant/unqualified boss. I'd rather work for a person with those 31 years of experience, than work for some kid who looks like he just jumped out of a hollister magazine and is confused about his place in the workforce.

None of the leadership at my store is motivating/intimidating like that, and i really doubt any one of them could put a 40 hour week of hard labor in. During my stores pfresh remodel, I saw the construction forman get in his crews face several times wanting to know why they weren't on schedule. When he caught one of his gabbers talking to our recieving team member, he goes "Well that's perfect, WHY ARE BACK HERE TALKING?" And his crew member looked like a dear in a headlight...

but when an etl tries that with a team member at my store, the team member laughs about it, and the etl gets deflated. but how can an etl have any confidence when they have no experience and don't know what they're doing?
I will say that I do fear my boss a little, and he does kick you into gear (not literally). So if I were to want someone to get a team of mine in shape I would definitely look to him. I have only seen one person talk back to my ETL-Log, I relished that moment lol. He is very profiecient as to even call me from home while I am at work to see how things are going and getting feedback. I will say he is truly committed as an ETL, much much more than the rest of the ETL's.
I don't get why they cut hours.

This past month, everyday we have been making sales by atleast 2k.
So lets says this month we got 60k in profit, I'm sure they can use 2k of it to have extra team members.
During quarter 4, we were making sales by 20k a day. Target is making bank and that's just at my store.
I don't get why they cut hours.

This past month, everyday we have been making sales by atleast 2k.
So lets says this month we got 60k in profit, I'm sure they can use 2k of it to have extra team members.
During quarter 4, we were making sales by 20k a day. Target is making bank and that's just at my store.

Can you say Canada?

They need every extra dime they can squeeze out of us to get the operation going in our sister to the north.
I don't get why they cut hours.

This past month, everyday we have been making sales by atleast 2k.
So lets says this month we got 60k in profit, I'm sure they can use 2k of it to have extra team members.
During quarter 4, we were making sales by 20k a day. Target is making bank and that's just at my store.

Ya my store is up 10% for the year.... 10%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yet we still have no salesfloor hours. I think for this last month we are up like 60k or something like that. My store is ULV too.
Ya my store is up 10% for the year.... 10%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yet we still have no salesfloor hours. I think for this last month we are up like 60k or something like that. My store is ULV too.

What I always find so fascinating about them figuring percentages/goals is that "YAY! We're up 10% from last year!" and all I hear is "YAY! Our goal is going to be even more impossible next year because of our success this year!".
What I always find so fascinating about them figuring percentages/goals is that "YAY! We're up 10% from last year!" and all I hear is "YAY! Our goal is going to be even more impossible next year because of our success this year!".

so so true!
Target only has one team to do both unloading and stocking? At walmart our truck crew starts at 4:00 in the afternoon and is susposto get off at 1am. I'm not sure what time the trucks come in, but the backroom is already packed and the sales floor already has pallets on the floor by 9:30. At 10:00 is when I, along the with other stockers come in. Have our meeting, head out to zone grocery (assigned an asile) and then we head out to our assigned deparments for the night to stock. We start to clean up around 5 or 5:30 and then we bin the crap around 6am. Then again I work at a 150,000 sq foot supercenter so much larger them a GM target.
Target only has one team to do both unloading and stocking? At walmart our truck crew starts at 4:00 in the afternoon and is susposto get off at 1am. I'm not sure what time the trucks come in, but the backroom is already packed and the sales floor already has pallets on the floor by 9:30. At 10:00 is when I, along the with other stockers come in. Have our meeting, head out to zone grocery (assigned an asile) and then we head out to our assigned deparments for the night to stock. We start to clean up around 5 or 5:30 and then we bin the crap around 6am. Then again I work at a 150,000 sq foot supercenter so much larger them a GM target.

My store has unloaders start at 10:30 p.m and backroom at 11:00 p.m. then flow team at 11.30 p.m. Truck unloaders then go to flow. I was just told that we haven't finished a trucks on time in almost a year. With pallets I don't think we can have them on the floor with guest there, so they have receiving packed with pallets.

Now they have us [backroom] push with flow because we are ahead of them. All the pressure comes down on us to complete the process. Even though we are taking hours away from dayside to get done, its just a lot of work.
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