Archived First Day! Different store?

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Overnight Slave
Jun 5, 2016
So tomorrow is my first day of training for Plano but its going to be at a different store then the one I got hired at... For reasons such as they have a weak team at my store. Anyways what do I do? I'm so nervesous! Who should i ask about who i am working with? Do I clock in or am I going to have to fill in a clock correction sheet since it ain't my home store? Also I only have 3 days of training, is that normal? Anything else i should know? Any answers would be helpful please and thank you... ~.~
Pretty much when you arrive at your store just seek an LOD or TL, depending on the time you are scheduled. If it is a 4am, usually the LOD is the one that is letting you into the store anyways. You won't clock in since you will just fill out a punch correction for the 3 days you are training. Training length varies in time, i'm not sure about yours since I was just out training for TL but I was gone two weeks, being it has more involvement than just a plano workload. And mainly you will want a MyDevice and/or PDA to do your workload. You'll still use your normal login for that.
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