Archived first softlines shift next week, help?

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Nov 13, 2014
so i just trained in softlines for 2 days and next week i am scheduled for an actual shift. i feel like i wasn't taught very much and i'm afraid i won't know what i am doing. my shift is from 6-10pm and i looked through the posted schedule and it looks like i'll be alone pretty much the whole time. one other person was scheduled until 6:30 i think. i learned how z racks are organized, how to read shelf lables and figure out where shirts go on a table, how to fold things correctly, how to organize things according to size on racks, how to organize clearance according to percent off, and how to research an item and update the counts. is there anything else i need to know?
If you're working that late in the day, you'll most likely be zoning. Ask your TL or the LOD what they want you to focus on.
You should be fine. You were taught more than I've trained people on and had two training days (My store only gives you one). Like mrknownothing said, you'll probably just be zoning and if you have a question on something and you're the only one in softlines you could ask the person working the fitting room or the LOD. Don't worry, you'll be fine.
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