Archived fitness level of Teamlead

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Jul 16, 2011
just as a topic of discussion, should the log-tl be subject to any physical fitness standards? I mean, they are suppose to be team "leaders" so should they be allowed to be so overweight, out of shape, or weak that they are asking their flow team to do things that they themselves could not do?

I think it isn't normally a problem so long as the team leader has their teams respect and knows how to do deal with people. The problem I see though, is when the teamleader is getting pressure from above, and then in turn starts pressuring their team to go faster, work faster, and get done faster. It seems to create a hostile work environment, where people are like "Are they serious? I'm already twice as fast as that person, I'd like to see them show me how to do it faster!" Anyways, what do you guys think? Any experiences with this?
If Spot were to make any sort of rule like that, they'd be called out for discrimination (and most likely sued). The way I see it, one should be able to do the job that is required of them, and should they have any problems with it, they should consider a less strenuous position.
Your Team Lead should be leading and that does require any level of fitness.

They still should be working some? In all honesty, if the person isn't physically capable of doing the job (not that they don't want to, but ACTUALLY physically can't do certain things) then they are probably borderline handicapped, and there could be a reasonable accommodation for their role! Maybe LOGTL isn't a good fit for that, but working somewhere else that isn't as physically stressful would be ok (such as GSTL or a SFTL)
Your Team Lead should be leading and that does require any level of fitness.

What if they are in the way? Like they are too big and slow, and they slow down the truck unload process because they are physically blocking the line? Or say the flowteam is wave stocking, and this person is like an NFL lineman, trying to help the team, but they are physically impeding the process?

And then they are suppose to manage their teams performance, being critical of their working speed? Flowteams getting kind of hostile over it...and we would look like the world's biggest a-holes should we honestly address our concerns with our ETL-HR or STL.
... they are suppose to be team "leaders" ... they are asking their flow team to do things that they themselves [can't] do

Just like you said, leaders should be able to lead. There's a problem.

"Are they serious? I'm already twice as fast as that person, I'd like to see them show me how to do it faster!"

I would hope the entire team is being told to be faster, not individual people who are already fast. If I were listening to a speech like that at a huddle, I'd be discouraged if I were one of the fast ones. I hope leadership knows who's getting the work done.

Everything revolves around the lack of payroll...
yeah, I think that target thinks of payroll too much in terms of hours, instead of money. The occasional worthless team leader making seventeen an hour, the occasional worthless executive making 40,000 a year and taking two years to become competant, just think of how many team members you could bring on at 9 to 10 dollars an hour and how much concrete, visible, measurable work that could be done. Idk if I'm expressing it right, or if my hypothesis is even right, but it's just the impression I get based off the way things work and the way leadership talks about things.
yeah, I think that target thinks of payroll too much in terms of hours, instead of money. The occasional worthless team leader making seventeen an hour, the occasional worthless executive making 40,000 a year and taking two years to become competant, just think of how many team members you could bring on at 9 to 10 dollars an hour and how much concrete, visible, measurable work that could be done. Idk if I'm expressing it right, or if my hypothesis is even right, but it's just the impression I get based off the way things work and the way leadership talks about things.

They do look at payroll in terms of $'s.
just as a topic of discussion, should the log-tl be subject to any physical fitness standards? I mean, they are suppose to be team "leaders" so should they be allowed to be so overweight, out of shape, or weak that they are asking their flow team to do things that they themselves could not do?

I think it isn't normally a problem so long as the team leader has their teams respect and knows how to do deal with people. The problem I see though, is when the teamleader is getting pressure from above, and then in turn starts pressuring their team to go faster, work faster, and get done faster. It seems to create a hostile work environment, where people are like "Are they serious? I'm already twice as fast as that person, I'd like to see them show me how to do it faster!" Anyways, what do you guys think? Any experiences with this?

I am 55 years old and I was a Logistics Team Lead for 11 years before I stepped down in March. I can tell you that I out-worked team members half my age on a daily basis. If the team lead is not spending most of their shift involved with the process, I don't know how the team is expected to get done. I was always keyed into the RWT report as a team member when I was a leader, making the goal times unreachable if I didn't pull my fair share.

He needs to get off his ass and help out.

Sorry! I guess I am "grouchier" than ever this morning....
yeah I know that age isn't a factor, we got some guys in their 50's and 60's that either throw the truck, or got wheels when stocking on the sales floor.
I am 55 years old and I was a Logistics Team Lead for 11 years before I stepped down in March. I can tell you that I out-worked team members half my age on a daily basis. If the team lead is not spending most of their shift involved with the process, I don't know how the team is expected to get done. I was always keyed into the RWT report as a team member when I was a leader, making the goal times unreachable if I didn't pull my fair share.

He needs to get off his ass and help out.

Sorry! I guess I am "grouchier" than ever this morning....

It's ok, you're telling it like it is.
ITA with Spike. I left after getting burned out as a Flow TL over 50 myself. I would work right along side my team. I never got breaks because the ETL's would always give lip service to oh we will watch the team while you were off the floor but never did. If things didn't go smooth while I was off the floor for my 30 which I had to take, it would fall on me. I would see salesfloor working and stopping and chatting with no sense of urgency. If reshop wasn't done at night, get it the next morning. POG stands around too at my store. Yet they get all their breaks and then some. Senior TL's work their butts off but the ETL's wander around pretending to work. I am overweight too but that didn't matter. I had college age young strong guys on my team and the older women would work faster as well as my retired guys. I needed some young ones to unload the truck. My one ETL LOG was fit but totally inept another the same but couldn't handle the pressure. Really size and age doesn't matter...
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