Archived Forcing Team Members to sit in the break-room on their 30 minute break?

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No, during your Half Hour UNPAID lunch, they can NOT tell WHERE to you must take that. At the same time, I have had several jobs where they CLAIMED they had to right to tell me where to take my PAID break (on campus only they said) but NEVER told me EXACTLY "on campus" I HAD to take my PAID break. I would fight this, either by dialogue with the TL in question or Sr. TL or ETL or STL or ETL HR, or Employee Relations Integrity Hotline or the Let Us Know Program
Most stores have never, and probably will not ever, enforce the no TM's in Starbux/FA rule.. The two I worked at never even brought it up, I only learned about it here :p
You know, I saw a recent Front End Headline on Workbench that readdressed this particular issue.

Very peculiar... :superstition:
My ETL-HR brought it up at huddle this morning. He was all casual about it, as though he didn't really care.
At one store I worked at, this was enforced. But at my current store there are always team members in FA. Hell, even the execs all sit down together in FA to have a break every morning. We'll see if that changes with attention brought to it on workbench.
It is strictly enforced at my store my STL says it doesn't look good to our store brand so please take your breaks and lunches in the breakroom or outside.
My store tried to do this before two years ago because a team member was on his lunch and used profanity in food ave and got a complaint, but it didn't last long because everyone was upset with that ruling.

Now my STL announced at last nights huddle the enforcement, in which he stated it was because: "The guests should have the seats available to them." But, I have never seen the half the tables occupied at any time of the three years I've been at the store. I double checked the Team Member Handbook, and under "Rest Breaks and meal periods," it says: "Please take your break in an area where guests won't disturb your break, such as the team members breakroom." To me that doesn't sound like a requirement but a suggestion. With the way that sentence is, it sounds like I can't even do any shopping on my lunch break. If I am off the clock, I do not see how they can tell me where to be as long as I am not a distraction to other team members or a nuisance to any guest(s).

Everyone in my store is not happy about this policy being informed, but it probably won't get enforced since the ETLs/STL are too lazy to see anything through. The ironic thing is, I never am at starbucks/food ave but i think the policy is just plain wrong.
So then how are we allowed to Shop when were done for the day? It's the same thing!Whats the difference if were in Food Ave/Starbucks on 30 minute break VS Shopping when were done for the day? Were still in Red n Khaki!
I was told that during lunch it would be best to sit in the employee break room because we should keep Starbucks and Target Cafe for guests that come in. I was also told if I want to shop during lunch break that I should remove my name tag, so that TMs, TLs, and ETLs on the floor don't think you're on the clock...But HR didn't tell me about not being able to shop on your lunch break though.
Our ETL's sit in the break room now as well while trying to have their breakfast morning meeting. It's funny though because the early morning team can get rather rowdy at times and loud. We can tell it gets on their nerves, I think it only makes them worse. A lot of the ETL's just go to their desk and eat, but our STL has made it clear NOONE in food avenue.
My ETL once yelled at me across the store asking what i was doing after I clocked out and was shopping. In her defense I was doing a bit of zoning while I shopped.
:D I usually see people leave the break room and come back with SB or something but mostly small snacky type I tend to just drink water or something and that's good enough "meal" for me especially if there is a good 2-3 hours left in my shift.

Eating food can make you tired :/
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