Archived Forgot To Punch Out

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Sep 28, 2016
I forgot to punch out at the end of my shift. What's going to happen? I won't be working again for 5 days.
If you are available to go in and do a punch correction on EHR before Monday, then I recommend it. Monday mornings are myTime's favorite time of the week to have issues which may or may not extend to EHR. Usually, it is just slow and doesn't load accruals (at least at my store) but then it surprises everyone with a company-wide outage (happened just this past Monday).
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This isn't usually a big deal. If you forgot to punch out on Sunday, be sure to fix it next time you go in. If it happened before then, you may have to go in ASAP if you want to be paid for that shift on the current paycheck; otherwise, you may receive pay for that shift on the next paycheck (this depends on which pay cycle your store is on).
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