Archived Forgot to punch out?

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May 12, 2014
I had a 4am-8 am shift today and left without punching out. When I realized I went back at about 10:40am and was told in clerical to do a punch correction. Im worried because will it still count as me hitting compliance even If I wasnt working?
I had a 4am-8 am shift today and left without punching out. When I realized I went back at about 10:40am and was told in clerical to do a punch correction. Im worried because will it still count as me hitting compliance even If I wasnt working?
Punching out at the end of your shift has nothing to do with compliance. Not taking your 30 in time is a compliance violation. Some states require you take your 30 before you hit five hours of work, in others it's six hours. Just do a punch correction and you'll be fine.
I had a 4am-8 am shift today and left without punching out. When I realized I went back at about 10:40am and was told in clerical to do a punch correction. Im worried because will it still count as me hitting compliance even If I wasnt working?
Punching out at the end of your shift has nothing to do with compliance. Not taking your 30 in time is a compliance violation. Some states require you take your 30 before you hit five hours of work, in others it's six hours. Just do a punch correction and you'll be fine.

Well, it does in the sense where when you approach 5 or 6 hours depending on state, you come to a "punch out or take a meal" point. Either will work but if you do neither you'll hit compliance. In this case though you'll have a missed punch for End Work that you'll fix with the punch correction, and never even show up on the compliance report. So you'll be fine, missed punches happen.
I had a 4am-8 am shift today and left without punching out. When I realized I went back at about 10:40am and was told in clerical to do a punch correction. Im worried because will it still count as me hitting compliance even If I wasnt working?
Punching out at the end of your shift has nothing to do with compliance. Not taking your 30 in time is a compliance violation. Some states require you take your 30 before you hit five hours of work, in others it's six hours. Just do a punch correction and you'll be fine.

Well, it does in the sense where when you approach 5 or 6 hours depending on state, you come to a "punch out or take a meal" point. Either will work but if you do neither you'll hit compliance. In this case though you'll have a missed punch for End Work that you'll fix with the punch correction, and never even show up on the compliance report. So you'll be fine, missed punches happen.
You're absolutely right, Cel. I completely missed the fact that it was a four hour shift.
Just do a punch correction on MAX / myTime on eHR and you'll be fine. Just try not to have to many missing punches in a month.
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