Archived Getting Called In

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Dec 27, 2015
If you guys get called in on your day off and don't want to or can't work, do you:

A) answer the call
B) call back later and tell them
C) Ignore the call
I'm the sucker who always answers the call. I feel bad if I don't...

If I missed the call, I would sometimes call back just to tell them I wasn't coming.
A. I always answer because maybe I can or maybe I can't but I'll at least let you know.

the suddenness of phone calls has always stressed me out, so I let it go to voicemail and then call back within a few minutes. This is basically my approach to everyone except my mom lol

Even if you're not going in it really helps if you call and give them a straight answer so they can figure out plans instead of hanging on to a tiny bit of hope that you might call back and say you're available at some point.
With my other job, I let it go to voicemail so that I have some time to think about if I really want to pick up the shift or not. Then I'll call them back and let them know either way.

With Target, I'll answer because I'm usually at 40 hours already and I'm genuinely curious what they are calling for.
I did whatever the situation dictates. If I see the call and can answer I do. If I miss it, I listen to to the voicemail. Nine times out of ten they specifically leave messages saying to call only if able. But that's my store. If they don't indicate one way or another, I call back. But I was a sucker for my store and more than wanting hours - because I almost always had too many && was being called when really desperate (because it generally was going to put me in ot: I.e I was at 36 for the week, but they NEEDED someone) -- let them know as a courtesy. I got along with my leadership & they were really good to me in return.

I'm not a fan of last minute notice myself, so I always picked up shifts where I could and got my hours set on my terms when possible. On more than one occasion I worked out swaps among multiple people - where I gave up a shift, only to be able to cover a shift when I knew no one else could && it would be problematic for the store. So, I didn't get flack if I Turned down a shift anyways.
Let it go to voice mail, listen the message and then decide if I want to call back. I only call back if I want to pick up the shift though. My store words it like, "IF you want to pick up a shift, call us back."
My TL actually texts me, most of the Deli team texts each other. If I get a call, I know it's either an ETL or HR and someone has almost definitely called out.
I always ignore it in case it's an LOD and not HR lol.
I'll answer and typically accept, unless I either have previous engagements or they couldn't tell that I've worked six days that week but still managed to call on my only day off. But even then I'll answer, apologetically explain that I can't, and bid them good day.
I don't care about Targets plans or whatever so I never answer. My HR calls people when they decide to quit which makes it really arkward when people ncns
C. I typically don't handle calls very well. I get pretty anxious about it so I avoid them whenever possible.

Leadership has picked up on this and rarely calls me now BUT they still want me to work and know when they catch me I don't say no. So they find me in store and ask me directly. I don't have to talk on the phone, I get hours and they get their shift filled everyone wins.
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