Archived Group chats?

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'Tarbucks' Team member
Oct 15, 2017
Recently one of our previous employees made a group chat with about 17 people some past employees and some current.. (Me being one) a few people left after some other employees (non leaders) found out about it and started talking with people in the group about it. The people that left are currently employees and feel they will get in trouble for being apart of this. Would we? We don't really gossip about other employees or leaders, just talk about days, share memes, make plans and just talk. What do y'all think?
As far as I know, no, but I'm not an expert at these stuff. I just think of it as chatting with friends off work.
We have one and it's fine, but we don't allow leaders to be in it any more due to previous events. I have my own leads often ask me to "ask the group chat if anyone is looking for hours".
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