Archived GSA/GSTLs, how do you get your 40 hours?

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Ex-Front End Bangarang!
Sep 15, 2011
Just curious.

I'm not always scheduled as GSA.

Most of my GSA shifts are 730-4 or 2-1030 weekdays or 230-11 weekends

But since there are 4 of us and they don't allocate enough hours for us all to get 40 we end up doing other things as well.

Some days I'll come in for Cash office from 7-10 and then work photo from 10-230/330.

Somedays I'll do cash office and then cashier or guest service afterwards.

What do you guys do?
Same as you & sometimes as cashier or SD.
If I don't have at least 36 hrs, I'll plug in vay-cay hrs (which I seldom take). It keeps the avg up so I can keep my bennies.
4 days of GSA + 1 day of Cash office/cashier

always gets me over 38, usually about 39.9 lol.
Some stores usually schedule their GSAs as service desk or cash office.

Being a GSA, stores don't have to promise them a number of hours like they do for GSTL.
i can do carts, sd, cashier, food ave, soon starbucks lol.

i'll get my hours one way or another 🙂
At my store the other GSA's normally are scheduled Service Desk, it works our well because it is a natural fit for somebody to cover the GSA's lunch. Since I come from my roots in InStocks, thats where my extra hours come from, its a heck of a transition though, going from GSA to InStocks, I have answered GSTL calls as an InStocks TM multiple times.
At my store the other GSA's normally are scheduled Service Desk, it works our well because it is a natural fit for somebody to cover the GSA's lunch. Since I come from my roots in InStocks, thats where my extra hours come from, its a heck of a transition though, going from GSA to InStocks, I have answered GSTL calls as an InStocks TM multiple times.

hehe I'm your opposite. I went from GSA to In Stocks. 🙂

Anyway, when I was a GSA we only had two. I only had GSA and SD shifts. Although I worked hardlines a few times for extra hours.
At my store, our GSTL/GSAs obviously can't all get 40 hours each of all GSTL/GSA shifts, so they get one or two shifts a week as a cashier or at Guest Service. One of our GSAs only gets one GSA shift, so she does cash office/cashier most days.
When you are GSA one day and cashier another doesn't it affect your hourly pay? I mean GSA is 2 pay levels above cashier or is your pay level that of GSA no matter if you are scheduled cashier or GSA?
When you are GSA one day and cashier another doesn't it affect your hourly pay? I mean GSA is 2 pay levels above cashier or is your pay level that of GSA no matter if you are scheduled cashier or GSA?

GSA pay no matter what. Your pay only varies in a few situations such as overtime, early morning/flow differential, etc. You have a "basic pay" level that never goes down, only up in certain situations.
As Imerzan said in another thread, I may be scheduled for cashier only to get pulled off a lane to watch while the GSTL steps off to do their business walks & other tasks. I usually spend better than half that time on a lane any way.
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