Archived GSA/GSTL's: What are you doing to prepare for tomorrow?

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Backroom/SFS Slug
Aug 15, 2015
So today I opened along with my Sr. GSTL, and at the end of our shifts I tried to status with him about the game plan for tomorrow, but he really had no clue. My ETL-GE wasn't in today, so I couldn't talk to him about it, and there really wasn't too much that I could gleam from the Black Friday preparation guide on WB.

So what are you guys doing to prepare for Black Thursday? Right now, all that I can think of is that I will make sure that all the Service Desk TM's know not to price match ANYTHING for the next three days, absolutely no "return and repurchase the doorbuster to get the BF sale price" shenanigans, no bogus coupons, and such.

Also, will guests be able to use coupons/cartwheel on top of the Black Friday sales price?
Black friday guides say to keep ticketed TVs at guest service for most stores, so you might want to figure out the plan for that process.
Make sure all registers are double/triple stocked with bags. Especially the largest ones.

and pens, receipt tape, coupon tape, promo gift cards, paper towels/cleaner. (I can't tell you how many times I have hopped on a lane, and can't find basic items that should always be stocked at the CL.)

Know the plan for reshop. My store takes it back to receiving where it is sorted.
Yeah, if the lanes are bare when I get in at 5 that'll be my mission.
Id take a sip of liquid courage and make sure all registers have supplies, all registers are working properly, id keep a copy of the ad with me too and make sure I had a fully charged MyDevice and walkie just incase.
So today I opened along with my Sr. GSTL, and at the end of our shifts I tried to status with him about the game plan for tomorrow, but he really had no clue. My ETL-GE wasn't in today, so I couldn't talk to him about it, and there really wasn't too much that I could gleam from the Black Friday preparation guide on WB.

So what are you guys doing to prepare for Black Thursday? Right now, all that I can think of is that I will make sure that all the Service Desk TM's know not to price match ANYTHING for the next three days, absolutely no "return and repurchase the doorbuster to get the BF sale price" shenanigans, no bogus coupons, and such.

Also, will guests be able to use coupons/cartwheel on top of the Black Friday sales price?

No price matching through Cyber Monday. Thank God.
Via Redwire today: NO cartwheel or coupons allowed with doorbuster deals. Price matching is not allowed from 11/26 - 11/30.

Thats good. Won't be very much fun to explain to people though.
Via Redwire today: NO cartwheel or coupons allowed with doorbuster deals. Price matching is not allowed from 11/26 - 11/30.

That seems weird. Seems Target would have the sense to not have coupons that are valid for the doorbuster items rather than a rule to not take coupons on those items. I also find it hard to believe we'd have a rule regarding manufacturer coupons on such items (though I have never seen a manufacturer coupon for a TV anyway, but hypothetically speaking if one existed I don't see why we'd refuse to accept it since we'd get reimbursed anyway).
Yeah, our STL printed them out and has us put them at every register.

Though really, we already had people try and use them. They say expired when you scan them. Luckily they don't work, so someone with supervisor #'s would have to manually enter in a coupon for 50% off, which would never happen.
Yeah, but that doesn't stop people from trying. And then there are some supervisors who roll over and accept any coupon that gets presented to them.
We always give our cashiers a little speech right before open, which is when we go over the "no price match" and whatnot.

Otherwise this is what a typical pre black friday night looks like for us:
-Overstock EVERYTHING. Pull a good team member and give them a list of everything to stock. Check lane bags, pens, gift cards, red card apps, etc etc.
-Fill register tape, coupon paper, etc.
-Give the Service desk a full box of gift cards and make sure they're stocking themselves up.
-Have yourself or a team member go to the peripheral registers (electronics, pharmacy, whatever you might be using) and put in change requests for them so they're fully stocked on change.

-if you're a self checkout store:
  • Keep a box of medium bags at each sco.
  • get your self checkout team members mag keys, pens, ad, a my device, etc.
  • Overstock them on change.

Write your schedule grid ahead of time. Have your assigned breakers, self checkout, register, peripheral registers, etc, set and assigned ahead of time.

The week (or 2 weeks ahead is even better) prior to black friday you should be doing equipment checks. Keyboards, receipt printer heads, scanners, bag racks, everything. Partner with your PMT to make this a priority.


Assuming you have multiple people scheduled under GSTL/GSA... Delegate delegate delegate. Have a GSA, or even a strong team member, responsible for change orders and supply requests. Have one (usually the loud obnoxious aggressive experienced one) directing traffic out in front of the check lanes.

This will all depend on your store volume and payroll hours you're given, but this is a general idea of the model I have used in the past.
We had people try to use the fake 50% off coupon. One guy got so upset because he spent so much time doing a survey so he could get the coupon. If it sounds to be good to be true, it probably is.
I went late last night just for the "fun" of it. I didn't buy anything but from what I could hear some people tried using it and were irate that we would not accept it. One man even tried claiming "Target sent it to me" but the GSTL said "NO! Target did NOT send it to you that email address is NOT Target." oh boy... if it sounds too good to be true people... it IS!
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