Archived Guess whaaaat.

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Former Team Leader
May 19, 2013
For those of you who remember me, I'm back. ;) I interviewed the other day for a new store, and just heard back on my background check & orientation date! Can't wait to get back up to speed with target and see what I've missed!
Welcome back. What happen to the other job, just curious?

My position was eliminated, and none of the transfer options for districts were close enough. It wasn't worth moving for, and I figured "hey, i'm still going to school full time, i don't need to be working as much" so I reapplied at target :)

What?! So what department are you in?

Just a sales floor TM. I'm not sure if it'll be hardlines or softlines, though. Probably a mixture once all the leadership catches onto the fact that I'm pretty extensively trained ;)
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