Archived Guess what time it is???

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Former Front-End Guru
Staff member
Jun 12, 2011
It's Intern season! That's right! Summer interns should start arriving at stores soon, if not already.

I met my store's two interns today. First time in 2 years I've had interns in the store. This should be fun!
We haven't gotten ours yet. I had figured that we wouldn't get any this year, what with the short staff and hours and all. It would be nice to have them, even if they don't know anything they can at least backup cashier. Last night was insane, there was only one cashier (me) and maybe 4 people on the floor. I didn't even bother with hitting the additional cashier button, what's the point when by the time anyone gets there I can be done with the 5 guests.
Everytime I see the title for this thread I want to shout out, "It's Howdy Doody Time!". Am I aging myself?
I caught a glimpse of one of their paychecks once. They do better than TMs all the while doing nothing/having no clue what they're doing. It's upsetting.
We've always had pretty good interns at my store. Really helpful and willing to learn.
Nice post Comiecorvus,but at our store at least while the new etls havn't a clue at least they are enthusiastic about the store,the experienced ones only talk about their job hunting efforts and compare notes about their interviews.
Since I've worked at my store, we've never had any interns (An ETL stated the last interns we had were in 08). How do they pick the stores that the interns work at?
Since I've worked at my store, we've never had any interns (An ETL stated the last interns we had were in 08). How do they pick the stores that the interns work at?

I wonder if it has something to do with volume. My store is the highest volume in the district and is the district's "training store." We had four interns all at once for the last year.
I wonder if it has something to do with volume. My store is the highest volume in the district and is the district's "training store." We had four interns all at once for the last year.

Mine is second highest, so it doesn't make much sense to me.
I can't imagine why an intern would want to come to Target and work there for the summer. HQ, yes, store-level, no.
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To someone working in Target, no it does not look like a good opportunity but as a summer job for a junior in college, it pays pretty well. $15 an hour for basically LEARNING how to manage in retail is not bad at all. You have responsibilities but unless you are really inept it's an easy job.
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