Archived Guest price challenges question

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Oct 7, 2015
Last night I had a guest come in and challenge the price of every item she bought except for one. I changed them for her, but I thought it was suspicious that she challenged the price of every item she bought except for one. How many is considered acceptable to change the price? Should you call over the GSTL if a guest is making a lot of price challenges? I understand that sometimes the register rings up the price wrong (or a misleading sales ad/or expired sales ad that wasn't taken down), but most of the time the register is always right. I feel like some of the guests are lying to scam Target because they know we'll change if its under twenty dollars.
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It depends on how much the price discrepancies are. The general rule of thumb is $20 or 20%. We had a similar guest that would come in, and claim that almost every single item had a much lower price listed on the shelf. Every time I saw them I would just ask them to show me the where they found the item. 9 times out of 10 there would be no wondrous sign that said it was $9.99, or a 50% off sign, or whatever they came up with. After enough times of this they would try to avoid me. Didn't really work when I speed weave though, so they just stopped doing it.

So yes. I would say that if they have more than 3 price challenges, I would call over the GSA/GSTL.
Def call someone over.
We had a guest that would challenge nearly everything for seemingly small amounts ~5-15% on lots of little things. My GSTLs didn't seem too concerned until I pulled up one of her most recent transactions & tallied up the dollar amt she'd dinged off.
It was between 15-20% of her whole trans so I mentioned it to AP & they dug up nearly every trans she'd had in the last several months.
She evidently knew what the threshold was before we'd call for a price check but she'd done it enough times at my store that AP put out a notice to start checking every challenge she was claiming.
She was perturbed the first time, irked the second time & downright pissed the third time.
Haven't seen her since.
Thanks guys! I'll deftinely tell the GSA or GSTL next time it happens :)
I would have called the GSTL/GSA as soon as you felt something wrong. I had that happen to me when at the lanes and I felt something wrong was going on but I didn't say anything. Eventually they ended up pulling me into the office and talked to me about it.
Last night I had a guest come in and challenge the price of every item she bought except for one. I changed them for her, but I thought it was suspicious that she challenged the price of every item she bought except for one. How many is considered acceptable to change the price? Should you call over the GSTL if a guest is making a lot of price challenges? I understand that sometimes the register rings up the price wrong (or a misleading sales ad/or expired sales ad that wasn't taken down), but most of the time the register is always right. I feel like some of the guests are lying to scam Target because they know we'll change if its under twenty dollars.
I would 100 percent call someone over. I would go into work tomorrow and inform AP this happened ASAP. Or you could be pulled into the AP office soon and leave in cuffs.
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As a GSA, I am more than happy to earnestly do my job and partner with the guest to ensure that any and all signing discrepancies are resolved and the guest is given full credit for all prices as signed. Puzzlingly, some guests choose not to wait for me to personally verify all of these prices.
I had a lady come through my line and five items didn't wring up for what she thought. I was going to give her the first one, but when another item came up I just had market confirm.

This lets us find expired ads that might have been missed so it doesn't happen again.

I just let the guest know that I totally believe they saw a sign, but I have to check with my other team members to resolve the issue.

Most people are cool with it. Scammers tend to get pissy though.
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