Archived Help! How does your flow team break out/work soft lines?

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Jan 4, 2013
Just wondering how many TMs and how long it takes. We have 1 TM break out hanging 1 break out folding, and 1 break out and work all the new stuff. The Z's get worked after all the carts are pushed, and last, if at all, they all work shoes. I feel we are not being productive enough. Please help with any hints tips are suggestions. Thanks.
I can't really help with softlines issues, but if you feel the area isn't getting done fast enough, try to get the goal times for the area and see if they're meeting them. If not, it's probably just an issue with complacent workers.
On a typical day we have 1 that sets up the carts and racks and breaks out hanging, 1 working the folding carts, and 1 working baby hardlines (we treat all of baby as softlines at our store). After the truck is finished, we get 1 more that helps where most needed. Whoever finishes first breaks out shoes. When we are finished with that, we each start in a specific area working the z-racks first, then carts. When each individual finishes their assigned section, they move to another and help. When all of the clothing items are taken care of, we go to shoes and sometimes to One Spot before we're sent over to hardlines to help. We finish on time about 95% of the time.
we have carts lined up on each side between boys and infants.. z's also lined up.. typically its 2 to 3 people breaking out. i know hey sort the z's by where they go and the carts are pushed to the areas to be worked then they converge on them.. they have a tm that comes in at 6 to push z's . i dont know the whole thing since i havent ever done it after all is done they push shoes ... sometimes we smart huddle shoes depends on how big the truck it
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