Archived Help with POG

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Many hats worn
Oct 4, 2015
  1. :
    Hey a POG question... When setting a aisle with one POG with fixtures. Does it always list the fixtures in each section being set? Like sec1 sec 2 etc-- Or just at the beginning under section one, does it list all fixtures for all six sections?
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  1. Cover page list the fixture numbers. Then goes into details by section & fixture number with pictures.
  2. Blueprints listing last page.
Depends on fixture. And pog. They have fixed some of pogs but not all. Some of them will list all of some of the fixtures in the first section of the line listing. But others will show up in each section of line listing along with how many beaches shelf height inches in etc. did you have a more specific question as to a specific item?
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