Archived How Can I better sell that fancy cold brew coffee?!

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Consumables TL
Nov 28, 2017
We have a designated cooler endcap for this fancy cold brew coffee. This shit doesn’t sell whatsoever. It’s just taking up space on the floor and in the back. What Can I do with it? I’m thinking of putting it all on TPC.
We have a designated cooler endcap for this fancy cold brew coffee. This shit doesn’t sell whatsoever. It’s just taking up space on the floor and in the back. What Can I do with it? I’m thinking of putting it all on TPC.
Check sales. If its consistantly flat for 3 weeks talk with TL and ETL and get it clearanced.
Tpc it. temporary price cut. It allows you to set a lower price for a set number of days. See if it sells at the new lower price.
That's very, very different from clearance, but you're probably right that this was what they meant.
That's very, very different from clearance, but you're probably right that this was what they meant.
Yes totally different than clearance.
I think your original idea of TPC is the best way of going about this. From what understand these things have a long shelf life. You can my support the dpci and request that they dont push so much product on you. Other than that... not much you can do.
my store has been doing sampling of products that aren't selling and combined with a decent sale, that's been enough to get them moving off of our shelves
Your ETL-SF may also be able to get in contact with the vendor to see if they can send sales reps out to do sampling and giveaways to get it to trend a little more.
Ask your DM to find out who the buyer is, you can email them and ask for the sales data. Look specifically at the data for before the endcap and after.

Just because it isn't moving quickly doesn't mean it's not profitable. If it's a high margin item, a slight uptick in units may be enough to make the space worth it.

If sales remained largely flat, ask your DM to have it clearanced. If you want to be a prick, change your onhands up artificially to make auto replenishment stop, just remember to change it back before it clearances.

Another option is to ask your DM to significantly reduce the order to level (otl) to control shrink.
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