Archived How is this training? What do I do on my first offical day of work?

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Searching for a PDA
Nov 22, 2014
I suppose my training was only two days long... the first day being cashier training, and the second day being... well let's just say a lot more talking than actually doing.

On my two week schedule they gave me, it had only two days of training listed.

The cashier training was very hands on and actually practiced the position.

But when it came to training for my actual purpose of working there, the team leader just talked, and talked... and talked about the position (So much in fact my brain was begging for mercy). I was not physically shown how to actually do anything. I wasn't even shown how to use the PDA.

So I guess you just jump right into the deep end and hope your fellow TMs are fine with helping an annoying new TM? It doesn't help that the leader who helped me on my second day of training won't even be there tomorrow.

What am I supposed to do when I show up?
This seems to be the norm as far as Spot's "training" goes, in my experience. It's okay to be scared and feel unprepared, but trust me, -nobody- is going to be expecting you to know this stuff right off the bat. I know it feels like you're bothering people, but I promise, asking questions is the BEST thing you can do, and any TM worth their salt will be appreciative and pleased rather than annoyed.

Are you working salesfloor? The only way to really get the hang of it is through experience. Don't be scared, it will be okay. Don't be afraid to ask guests if you can help them find something, because even if there's 99% chance you don't know yet and will need to ask another TM for help/ask on walkie, you are doing your job by helping the guest!

When you come in to work, just ask for a team lead (you can even ask a TM to help you find them) and explain your situation. They will be able to give you instructions from there!
Nobody the works at Target now will be suprised you have no training because that is just how things are. You will be fine, somebody will adopt you for the day and help you out. Your lucky I have seen many new people no training tossed into black friday with no clue what to do or even where they work.
Thanks for the reply!

I'm actually working the backroom position.

Everything just seems too overwhelming with the little help I've had so far.

Especially when this is my first retail job.
If you're backroom then you're lucky for a couple reasons. One, you're not going to be alone; there's usually a couple other backroom TMs around at the same time and if your store's like mine, half the logistics team has some degree of backroom "training." Two, you don't have to cashier or otherwise deal with guests much.
My TMs preferred when new hires asked a lot of questions. It showed they wanted to learn more and how to properly do their job. You'll do great. It will become a routine and you'll look back and laugh about your first few weeks of not knowing stuff.
One day of training for backroom... oh my. Backroom is overwhelming for everyone at first, so don't worry about it too much. Ask questions. Try and remember to move fast. Even if you don't know where something is, if you're moving with some speed, it won't be so bad. At this time of year, you won't be scheduled alone, so partner with your other backroom people. Good luck :)
Good news, everyone!! A very kind TM decided to come in earlier than his scheduled shift to properly train and help me for the day. And everybody here was right, everyone in the backroom pitched in to help me. I'm so grateful for the people I've met thus far!
I guess I work at a good target because my training was 2 weeks long (1 week on hardlines, a week of softlines, 1 day at register, and another on pulls) and I'm only a seasonal worker. I was just shadowing my trainer the entire day until I felt comfortable at going at it on my own.
I've worked almost every position in my store (haven't even been there for 6 months) and training is a myth like big foot. I was trained for my cashier position, but most are given a basic run down and thrown into the fire. Trust me most TMs know what time it is. Ask them whatever questions you have. They most often than not been in the same position.

Our training is laughable at best.
as an HR TM, I get to look over the "official" chart that says for [x] position, you must have [y] hours of training. it's redonkulous. although I'm pretty darn sure that backroom TM's are supposed to have at least two shifts of training... (I'd have to check on that, not sure. they did recently revise the official training hours thing, but mostly for seasonal hires.) don't worry though, as others have said and in my experience, backroom TM's are generally very willing to help their new TM's.

my advice would be: focus on remembering the locations of stuff in the back, and if you have an offsite warehouse, remembering what goes there and what stays in your store. CAF pulls aren't difficult, you just go to the location it tells you and scan everything until it goes BEEPBEEP, then lather rinse repeat. :)
I have seen many new people no training tossed into black friday with no clue what to do or even where they work.

I thought that was the point of Black Friday?

Last year: Only day I've ever worked in Electronics.

This year: First ever scheduled GSA shift.

Next year: Backroom, Salesfloor, or LOD shift?
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