Archived How to anonymously report TLs

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Sep 3, 2014
Our store has a serious loafing problem with our TLs. Only 5 of them actually take their jobs seriously and they don't take advantage.

There is a GSTL who is definitely not meant for Target. She is definitely not fun, fast or friendly. She is rude to everyone under her including the guest. She only does the bare minimum at best. She handles guest situations but she does it with an attitude especially if something happened to upset her in her personal life. It's really bad when people see her scheduled during their shift and it ruins their day. Our ETLs know about her but they don't say anything to her. She doesn't do ANY work and if we see her doing something we know there is a visit from someone. She doesn't zone, collect reshop, and if it's around closing she'll sit and boss us around.

There is a group of TLs that do nothing but collect reshop to bring to guest services and talk all day. Not an exaggeration. I can understand if they're talking about work related things like they get on us about but it's always about what they saw on tv, facebook, instagram or what the did the day before, the weekend, their vacation or worse they're talking about personal team member stuff. Things that they should definitely be talking about behind closed doors. This is all the time to the point where they know that the team members talk about how they don't do work and they JOKE about it!

What can we do? None of us want to say something to the HR ETL or STL because they know about these behaviors but they don't say a thing and we aren't trying to get fired. We need our jobs. Is there anyway to get like a "secret shopper" from corporate to come check out things without giving them a heads-up? Everytime they know corporate is coming their whole behavior changes. We want corporate to see what's going on in here and fix it. Target is a great place to work (for the time being) but our management needs a definite improvement.
Everybody should complain to the stl first. If he does nothing then you need to have everybody document everything that's happening and call the hotline 1-800-541-6838. Especially document the tls talking about confidential tm information.
To paraphrase a good Jewish boy, the lazy will always be with you but you will not always need to whine about it.

If the management doesn't care there's not much reason for you to, just accept it and move on.
Sad to say there's only so much you can do.
At some point a new batch of management will come in then things will change and if you're around, you'll get a chance to say I told you so but tell then just do the best job you can and let the lazy bury themselves.
Yes it sucks and is no fun to other peoples work but unless the bosses care there's not much you can do.
The best thing to do in any job is to make sure you are always doing your best work and you can't worry about what everyone else is doing.

As far as the TLs "bossing" you around. They are your boss, right?
They are the "bosses," but if they're just sitting bitching that things aren't getting done while they're sitting on their asses gossiping, that's a problem. We have the same issue at our store, one of our SrTL's will walk around the store, nitpicking every little thing and won't do a damn thing herself. She tried to coach an electronics TM for not zoning domestics when the electronics TM was covering the electronics TL's meal break! Then, when the elec TM TOLD her they WHY they weren't zoning domestics, she accused them of "insubordination"!!! If we call for a LOD to pharmacy, rather than come herself, she will send AP over!
I guarantee you the ETLs know what is going on. Either they are actively working to take care of the problem (terming them, etc) or the TLs walk on water, can do no wrong, and your opinion isn't going to change anything.

Either way, you are best to worry about yourself, because nothing is going to change based on your opinion.
Sadly sometimes you have to just let it go. If you worry about what everyone else is doing all the time you're going to cause yourself a lot of unnecessary stress. It sucks but it's not your problem and as a TM sadly there's really nothing you can do about it. Every job has them. Just keep doing your best and as a believer in karma they will get what's coming to them. Or you could get lucky like me and have the laziest person in Hardlines hate you so much that they just quit.
Not much you can do. You are not watching them their entire shifts so you really have no idea what they are doing is a simple defense they can use. Many stores also have a leaders lead and do not work, if you are working you are failing as a leader because you are not delegating even when their is nobody to delegate to. Frankly your just going to have to forget it do your job and hope somebody up tops cares enough to do something or find a new job.
This really falls to the ETL they are under to make sure they are doing their tasks and being productive. All you can do is your own job and let upper management take care of it. I see team members once in awhile that make me think this way, but in the end we just clock in and clock out everyday. Some just get away with doing less sometimes...just the way it is.
Thanks for all the imput guys. Sucks not much can happen to fix it. I only came on here because we didn't know what can be done. If hardlines, softlines, market and the front lanes all wonder if they do any work then you know we have a problem.

And it's funny because there was a visit today from corporate but they came a little earlier than expected while they were having their afternoon loaf. Through them off guard and it was pretty funny to see them scatter from their spot to where they were actually supposed to be at. They would have been caught if my ETL didn't spot them standing at the entrance and go to distract them. My ETL told another TL who then proceeded to warn the others. I caught all of this because I was zoning the front endcaps. But if you guys can't act the same way you were acting when corporate comes why act that way at all?

And I understand the yes a boss bosses people around lol but when you sit on your ass and complain that we need to move faster so the front checklanes can be zoned, bags filled up, and reshop done within the 15 mins left before we leave after a very busy day and only two closers, then it's a different type of boss. I thought we were a team. "Many hands make light work" after all. If you want all that stuff to be done by close why don't you help too?
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