Archived How to contact HQ for a possible donation for a Fellow TM who lost her husband today.

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Nov 10, 2011

A fellow team member lost her husband this morning in a tragic solo vehicle car accident. I know some fellow team members have set up a jar at TMSC for raising funds for her during this holiday season, (She has 3 kids, one whom just celebrated a birthday yesterday)

Does anyone know who i could contact in regards to seeking donations, whether Monetary or toys for Christmas for the kids? She is one stellar person and is like a mother to everyone, even though she is in her early thirties she carries herself well and never is one to judge anyone. Having 3 kids and working two jobs really goes to show how much she does to provide for her family, and i hope the Target family can give back.

Thanks everyone, any information would be helpful.
I'd probably talk to your ETL-HR before going straight to HQ, only because they would have more luck in reaching higher ups.
Sorry about the loss. There is a good chance, etl hr has contacted group dt hr or hrbp, already. There is the tm assistance emergency fund , that she can get for starters through her hr. also, liferesources can be called, if she or if other tm's needs to talk to a cousular at no cost.

Team member services center(tmsc)


target team member emergency fund - ask your etl hr for the application.

liferesources hotline
877-616-0510 - 7 days a week, 24 hours help on personal events
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