Archived How to handle LISA at SCO

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Mar 4, 2019
Well, hello all. Long time lurker here. I've been at Self check out lately and the hardest part for me has been how to politely approach guests at SCO to check the purses/suitcases/etc that they're buying. I try to be polite about it, but occasionally I will get a guest who is very upset. Looking for some tips on how you handle this tricky aspect of SCO.
I just say “hi there, sorry I just have to take a look inside here!” But if someone is getting defensive over it either they’re trying to steal or they’re just a whiny crybaby tbh it’s part of your job and if the guest gets offended that’s their problem
Well, hello all. Long time lurker here. I've been at Self check out lately and the hardest part for me has been how to politely approach guests at SCO to check the purses/suitcases/etc that they're buying. I try to be polite about it, but occasionally I will get a guest who is very upset. Looking for some tips on how you handle this tricky aspect of SCO.

This was the worst when I was a cashier. "Please look inside all bags or purses purchased, all suitcases etc..." and there's literally zero good way to do it other than to just do it. People are gonna get upset, but they shouldn't because theft is very real, security is very real, and we're not accusing anyone, we're just simply asking to look inside because we have to.

One time I had a guest getting really upset, some middle-aged lady and she was throwing a big fit about it and I was like "Okay, I'll have our Asset Protection team come over and check it for you if that would make you feel better." and she suddenly stops and she's says "Fuck you." and ripped open the purse, threw the paper out, and I looked inside. Nothing was in there. My GSTL came over at this time and he was like "What's going on?" and she gave a big story.

that was my very last week of cashiering before I was scheduled to switch departments. I'm just preaching to a choir here but guests shouldn't be getting upset, life is too short, just let us check... but no one will ever realize that until it's time to depart from this world. Too many people are stuck in the rat-race of life, they're too in their heads, and don't ever think about everyone else around them.
"Let me get the padding out of here for you, there's no reason for you to take our trash home and it will fit better into a shopping bag". Or if it's luggage, "Let me check and make sure you have all the pieces that come in the set".
"Let me get the padding out of here for you, there's no reason for you to take our trash home and it will fit better into a shopping bag". Or if it's luggage, "Let me check and make sure you have all the pieces that come in the set".

This is great advice, the exception to this is those storage totes particularly the non clear ones. My trick was to look inside holding the scanner pretending not to know the bar code is on bottom or on the side.

Or if they bought multiple mentioning people throw go backs in bins all the time. Sometimes shifting the blame from them to other shoppers works wonders.
One time I had a guest getting really upset, some middle-aged lady and she was throwing a big fit about it and I was like "Okay, I'll have our Asset Protection team come over and check it for you if that would make you feel better." and she suddenly stops and she's says "Fuck you." and ripped open the purse, threw the paper out, and I looked inside. Nothing was in there. My GSTL came over at this time and he was like "What's going on?" and she gave a big story.

Nearly all purses have little zipper pockets inside and sometimes have another tiny hard to see pocket in there as well. From the description it sounds like she managed to keep you from looking in the little pockets. I wonder what she had in those.
"Let me get the padding out of here for you, there's no reason for you to take our trash home and it will fit better into a shopping bag". Or if it's luggage, "Let me check and make sure you have all the pieces that come in the set".

I love this plan, and had another team member recommend it to me after a particularly nasty guest. The problem is I had guests actually hold onto the bag and say, "No thanks," leaving me to either not check the bag, or tell them that I have to check.
Nearly all purses have little zipper pockets inside and sometimes have another tiny hard to see pocket in there as well. From the description it sounds like she managed to keep you from looking in the little pockets. I wonder what she had in those.

oops I forgot to add I unzipped those too after she opened the main part. nothing in the pockets either, she was just straight upset. She took something that would have only taken like thirty seconds and turned it into a five minute scream-fest. Must have been the worst day in her life.
I’ve posted this in other threads. Not specific to Lisa but it is to BOB.

Walk up to the guest and say “hey just so you know you can use the hand scanner to get that item on bottom

Real guests appreciate the tip, scammers know you’re on to them. While you’re walking up to them, eye the screen to see if the total roughly matches what they’re buying (ie, giant dyson vacuum isn’t gonna be $30)
sometimes (works for purses and bookbags) i’ll ask them if they want a large bag, if they say yes, i’ll check it while i bag the item for them. generally i just ask and if there is an issue, i explain i have to as a part of my job and i’ll get in trouble if they don’t see me check. most understand that.
"Let me get the padding out of here for you, there's no reason for you to take our trash home and it will fit better into a shopping bag". Or if it's luggage, "Let me check and make sure you have all the pieces that come in the set".
Yep, this exactly.
We have a SCO TM who's a rockstar at AP recoveries. Most of them, however, are too timid. Remember, this is our merchandise. This is our store. We control what we sell. There are some items we have on the sales floor that we must pull off a transaction when prompted. Just go up and look in the bag. They haven't purchased it yet. If someone gives you problems, just tell them it's your job and you don't appreciate being told how to do your job. If they resist, call AP.

You're also empowered to do receipt checks on things that come out of SCO. If someone walks off, let them walk off, and immediately inform AP so we can get a license plate and start case building.

The majority of theft and fraud at the checklanes takes place at SCO. It should be called Assisted Checkout. No guest should ever feel like they're isolated up there. Our rockstar sco TM catches several ticket switchers, credit card abusers, and skip scanners from sco weekly. The only difference with her is she realizes this is her house, not someone else's. People respect boldness and authority.
We have a SCO TM who's a rockstar at AP recoveries. Most of them, however, are too timid. Remember, this is our merchandise. This is our store. We control what we sell. There are some items we have on the sales floor that we must pull off a transaction when prompted. Just go up and look in the bag. They haven't purchased it yet. If someone gives you problems, just tell them it's your job and you don't appreciate being told how to do your job. If they resist, call AP.

You're also empowered to do receipt checks on things that come out of SCO. If someone walks off, let them walk off, and immediately inform AP so we can get a license plate and start case building.

The majority of theft and fraud at the checklanes takes place at SCO. It should be called Assisted Checkout. No guest should ever feel like they're isolated up there. Our rockstar sco TM catches several ticket switchers, credit card abusers, and skip scanners from sco weekly. The only difference with her is she realizes this is her house, not someone else's. People respect boldness and authority.

If you don't mind my asking, how does your TM approach the ticket switchers when they come along? Our store gets hit pretty bad with it and some of my TMs aren't exactly subtle about being accusatory, so I could use some advice on a tactful approach.
She's always watching what items are being scanned, sometimes scanning for the guest, making conversation. This helps catch ticket switchers that hand scan a barcode. The ones that are harder to catch are the softlines items that are ticket switched on the sales floor. With those, look out for out of place tags or multiple price tags. Adult swimwear that has a cat and Jack clearance tag. Immediate red flag. What we see a lot of is subjects removing the softlines tag, and pushing the wrong tag into the plastic string. This creates creases on the tag. Some subjects have a ticketing gun, punching their own tag into akward spots on the softlines. Walk over and inspect the tag. Inform the guest this doesn't appear to be the tag for the item. All Target brand items have a DPCI printed near the barcode and somewhere on the physical item itself. If the 2 dpcis don't match, you know the tags are switched. We do not, and should not, honor the ringing price. Tags rarely get put on wrong through the supply chain. And for every 1 time it happens, there are 20 other times the tags are switched by the guest. As AP, I'm not going to spend an hour trying to find out where they switched tags on the salesfloor, unless it's someone I want to apprehend. But we need to document this because it gives us more leverage when they come back to the store (and they always do). What are the odds tags are accidentally switched twice for the same guest in the same year? Basically zero.
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If someone just walked up and started looking in my merchandise I would walk out. Yes it is still Targets merchandise but that is straight up rude.
Oh Jesus Christ fuck that unless they want to pay me $30 an hour. I'm not joking, walking up to some rando to do LISA at SCO is literally the same thing as saying out loud "sir/ma'am I'm with Target security and I need you to empty out your pockets and or/purse" and whoops turns out the "guest" is a psycho tweaker and jumps me with a knife or something. According to my calculations, AP risk = AP bread. 🍞

My gravestone will say "RIP CTT, he looked inside and stared death in the face"
Another strategy my team teaches SCO attendants is to use the excuse that other people might discard things in there, so we don't want the guest to have a surprise when they get home. I've worked on SCO for two years and done AP for 4, never had an issue.
I just walk over and say I have to take a look inside of any bags or storage containers I can't see through. I honestly don't look inside of every shoe box that is scanned, especially when it is busy but I usually try to take a look inside the boot ones if I don't see the guest scanning the shoe/boot vs just the closed box.
Reasonable people understand. It's actually in everyone's best interest. Shoplifting costs the average household several hundred dollars in marked up prices a year. The only people that have problems with it have deep personal problems even the criminal justice system can't solve.
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