Archived HR team member

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Probably similar to the job requirements of a secretary (proficiency in MS Office, typing, etc).

HRTM at my store is basically the ETL-HR's assistant. She answers the phone when there is no operator available; schedules meetings, interviews, and job fairs; writes the schedules for the entire store; does all of ETL-HR's paperwork; cleans the breakroom; posts notices and info for TMs by the time clock.
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Probably similar to the job requirements of a secretary (proficiency in MS Office, typing, etc).

HRTM at my store is basically the ETL-HR's assistant. She answers the phone when there is no operator available; schedules meetings, interviews, and job fairs; writes the schedules for the entire store; does all of ETL-HR's paperwork.
Our HRTM also cleans the breakroom, replenishes the free PB&J, and backup cashiers.
Our HRTM also cleans the breakroom, replenishes the free PB&J, and backup cashiers.
Forgot about cleaning the breakroom!

Ours doesn't set foot on the salesfloor except for huddles (she will speak about any HR stuff or things for TMs that did not get covered yet).

She definitely doesn't backup cashier.
I am currently a cashier and I would like to become HR in the future.what are the steps to become one?
@amor12 Simply express interest about switching workcenters and inquire if there is an open spot or will be in the future.

Also, just go ahead and apply for a open position internally. May have to transfer or wait awhile. Another route would be to just find a new job as an administrative assistant.

Being active in your own self development is on you.
Probably similar to the job requirements of a secretary (proficiency in MS Office, typing, etc).

HRTM at my store is basically the ETL-HR's assistant. She answers the phone when there is no operator available; schedules interviews and job fairs; writes the schedules for the entire store; does all of ETL-HR's paperwork; cleans the breakroom; posts notices and info for TMs by the time clock.
@amor12 , if your store does not have an HRTL, you will pretty much be doing that job without the pay.

On top of the above listed: FFF calendar and execute the fun events, process new hires, schedule and conduct orientation, extend job offers, process payroll, run the United Way campaign, track attendance, key coachings and corrective actions, key training and follow up on incomplete training, assist the team with eHR needs, process terminations-if involuntary you may need a voucher in payout states, assist with unemployment claims, run or assist with benefit enrollment.

That's all I can think of at the moment. But, the MOST important thing you must do is be trustworthy. You will be privy to a lot of confidential informatoon, including team members' hourly wages. Aside from ETL-HR and STL, you should treat everything on a need to know basis.
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@amor12 , if your store does not have an HRTL, you will pretty much be doing that job without the pay.

On top of the above listed: FFF calendar and execute the fun events, process new hires, schedule and conduct orientation, extend job offers, process payroll, run the United Way campaign, track attendance, key coachings and corrective actions, key training and follow up on incomplete training, assist the team with eHR needs, process terminations-if involuntary you may need a voucher in payout states, assist with unemployment claims, run or assist with benefit enrollment.

That's all I can think of at the moment. But, the MOST important thing you must do is be trustworthy. You will be privy to a lot of confidential informatoon, including team members' hourly wages. Aside from ETL-HR and STL, you should treat everything on a need to know basis.

Thank you. At least one person who realizes how much work needs to be done in HR (not just refilling our coffee and sitting on our ass).

In addition to everything you've mentioned, be prepared to be blamed for every single problem that team members or team leads run into: Not enough hours. Too many hours. Vacation didn't get approved. Scheduled too many closing shifts. Scheduled to cashier with a GSTL that they don't like. Not scheduled in their preferred department. Working weekends. Paycheck too small. Not enough coverage on the floor. Breakroom's a mess. <<Those are just the complaints I get on a weekly basis from TM's. Don't get me started about TL's.

I also make the entire front end, sales floor, and backroom schedule every week, from scratch, in 7 hours while also doing all of the things listed by sickofspot.
In addition to everything you've mentioned, be prepared to be blamed for every single problem that team members or team leads run into: Not enough hours. Too many hours. Vacation didn't get approved. Scheduled too many closing shifts. Scheduled to cashier with a GSTL that they don't like. Not scheduled in their preferred department. Working weekends. Paycheck too small. Not enough coverage on the floor. Breakroom's a mess. <<Those are just the complaints I get on a weekly basis from TM's. Don't get me started about TL's.

Well people are venting to you, and complaining about those things. They aren't blaming YOU for them, right? I know our HRTM does a good job of commiserating with people and listening to their complaints. I'm sure she gets sick of it on occasion, but hopefully she doesn't feel anyone is blaming her for any of their problems. You shouldn't either.
@APredux , the tm's actually do come at you, as if it is your fault. I did the entire schedule for store as well, @Producer . But, I had to follow the TLs And ETLs specifications on said schedules. But, guess who got blasted when tm's weren't happy-me! Even though I did what their leaders asked of me, said leaders would throw me under the bus. So, I went to my ETL and the STL-it did stop shortly after.

If a tm's time-off request isn't approved, HR is always blamed. I loved working in HR, but there are definitely drawbacks. No, I never sat on my ass playing solitaire while drinking coffee. I was making sure that everything ran smoothly behind the scenes. It was a thankless job-one of the most unappreciated, right next to Starbucks...
100% agree with you sick of spot I know I give my hr tm a lot of headaches but I always make sure they know how appreciative I am of them. A lot of ppl don't.
Well people are venting to you, and complaining about those things. They aren't blaming YOU for them, right? I know our HRTM does a good job of commiserating with people and listening to their complaints. I'm sure she gets sick of it on occasion, but hopefully she doesn't feel anyone is blaming her for any of their problems. You shouldn't either.

It's both. Anything scheduling or payroll related gets blamed on me, and it is partly my fault as I choose to own any scheduling/payroll mistakes that are made by others, apologize to the team member, and then follow up with the one who made the mistake in private. But in general, if my store was twitter, #blamehr would be trending all the time.
In what world is there an hr team lead? Is there a cut off for what level store, A, AA?, to have an hrtl? All the stores I've worked at, there is the HR-ETL and an hrtm.
Being able to concentrate on your work while everyone constantly comes up and interrupts you!
In what world is there an hr team lead? Is there a cut off for what level store, A, AA?, to have an hrtl? All the stores I've worked at, there is the HR-ETL and an hrtm.
They were first eliminated in lo-vol stores then eliminated completely in AE2013.
I like to hassle my HRTM a lot because she thinks she's everyone's boss. Probably learns it from our ETLHR. She likes to tell a lot of the TMs that we "don't need to know" her processes and everything HR is confidential.

The other day our ETL-GE gave me a list of TMs to call to cover a call off and to give it to our HRTM. When I handed it to her she looked at me and said "You're not supposed to know who we are calling to replace shifts, I don't know why you have this."
The HR TMs at my store are great. They're always happy and cheerful, and they try their hardest to be helpful (even if they ultimately aren't).

In what world is there an hr team lead? Is there a cut off for what level store, A, AA?, to have an hrtl? All the stores I've worked at, there is the HR-ETL and an hrtm.
They were first eliminated in lo-vol stores then eliminated completely in AE2013.

At my A+, we had a HR TL until AE14. From what I understand, we were the last store in the district that still had a HR TL. Some very-high-volume Supers might still have HR TLs.
Years ago I worked support at a store that had a overnight HR TL. Haven't seen a store that busy since. They took doubles during slow times of the year. Spot built a couple more stores around the area which dropped their volume to something more manageable.
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