Archived HR tm

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I believe so, from the information contained here (See Formina Sage's post) it looks like the TM would move from PG3 to PG7. This paygrade chart may be outdated though.
I think there is also, but it's not much for all of the BS you gotta do. Especially if you get an HR that dumps everything on YOU.
<<<HR tm for 6 years.
But the chance to not work weekends or evenings and to never have to deal with guests? I think that would be my dream position!
It's a raise from pay grade N03 to N07. If you have good diplomacy skills, can multitask, and don't mind being simultaneously loved and hated by all your peers and superiors, then you should definitely do it.
We have a few HRTM's, one has never cashiered that I have witnessed, the others frequently respond to backup though.
My HR tm says she doesn't get paid much more than a cashier... she may be just severely pessimistic and bs-ing me. She also when I met her years ago was a happy positive person and now, is always angry and short and negative. :-(
Our last one was severely underpaid for how long she had been here...she did backup cashier, answered phone when fitting room opener called out, etc.
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