Archived Hybrid Check Lanes

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Jun 29, 2017
I'm not sure how up-to-date everyone is on the new updates and beta objects for the stores. But Target is testing a new form of check lane. It's called a "Hybrid Lane". Its a Self checkout. BUT. If it gets jammed up by user error, A cashier can easily sign into the lane and it opens up a different type of screen. The cashier then can run it exactly like a normal checkout. I've worked Self Check Out for a couple weeks now and I personally love the hybrid ones. They never have to be rebooted. The regular SCO's need to be reset every few hours... What do you guys think?
I suppose it depends store to store then. They can be frustrating at times but I find regular SCOs to jam up constantly... We could be haunted though so it could be the ghost. :D
Most (Non-Target) stores I see that have self checkouts have a cashier posted at a podium that observes all the SCOs and allows what you describe. Why Target designed their SCOs the current way baffles me to this day.

Removing the bag scales makes no sense at all and just encourages dishonest activity.
Is it of these units?
Nope. It's a whole new entire POS for SCO. They're still stationed where they were and you can switch them from "self checkout mode" to "register mode" where you can work the SCO like a regular cash register with all of the K functions and even apply for red cards and shit.
Is it of these units?
IIRC, those were the portable POS that could be plugged in & set up on a floor location wherever there was an avail connection.
A store in our area tried them out for BF to reduce some of the overflow at Electronics.
They also used them to process redcard apps.
^^^Our self-checkouts have been converted to these, and look exactly like the pictured screens.
I despise Target SCO... but this looks nicer. I have so many issues with my SCO at my store mostly due to user error and the software just sucking that I kind of hate working the busy side of SCO. My store has two SCOs set up on Softlines and one on Grocery... our softlines works best so I don't mind working it at all. Although, my last time over on the much busier grocery side where I swear the computers are out to get humanity, it wasn't that bad. Had minimal errors for the first time since last year's holidays.
They do run much better, but there are still some issues. The best way to resolve any crashes is to log into utility nice (pressing the button below the card reader) and press "run add on next reboot" and then reboot the system.
They do run much better, but there are still some issues. The best way to resolve any crashes is to log into utility nice (pressing the button below the card reader) and press "run add on next reboot" and then reboot the system.
or just use the power button to force shut it down
the real MVP of this update is avacado on the "pick a produce" screen finally works, before now they only had the wrong PLU on there
I like some aspects of the new interface, some of it looks a little confusing. The first time I had to change a price to update I wasn't sure if I was putting 10.00 or updating the item to be 1000.00 so I had to just hit enter and hope for the best.
I've had to correct multiple people who scan the little sticker on their produce, because they didn't notice the button to input for produce, but I had to do that a lot before the update as well.
I do NOT like that the scale is disabled now, and that the voice is muted. If I could just have a voice saying "Someone will be with you shortly." It would make it a lot easier for me to be aware that someone needs help, all the while I have to watch people like a hawk to make sure they aren't stealing stuff now.....
I played around with it and scanned a batteries, and then threw in a candy bar and it didn't flag for anything. That's really worrisome to me... I asked the AP guy if there was some kind of silent signal given if the weight didn't match up, but he had no idea. Soooo... basically, I'm effed.
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