Archived I….hate….Target...

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Anywhere you work will have bosses and employees that make your job a hassle. More so if the pay is close to minimum wage, because even with the interview process you're still getting the people at the bottom of the barrel working there. Add in the fact that it's a giant corporation and you can expect that you're going to grow to hate your job.
I just turned in apps at a couple of other places today because of the above and since my hrs have gone down so much I just need something closer to home. Gas is killing me right now.
That's all you can do. Once you accept that you'll take a pay cut, it will be easier to leave. Then if the new place sucks, it will be really easy to leave.
Everyone wants to leave but it's hard. It's like Target has connections or ties with the umbrella corporation or Wolfram and Hart.
except one could actually like the umbrella corporation at least with them if you screwed up then you don't need to tell your boss cause your dead soon after
I'm just tired. Tired of management and unrealistic expectations. Tired of being bullshitted and lied to about stupid shit. I won't speak for the entire company, but working at my particular store is terrible. No one likes working there, and we've had an alarming number of people quit over the last few months. A good amount of those people didn't give a 2 weeks notice or just flat out walked out.

I'm trying to leave and am working on a few things right now. At the very least, I need a second job so this one isn't as important.
HLM aren't you a TL? Did they cut TL hours really badly at your store too?
Everyone wants to leave but it's hard. It's like Target has connections or ties with the umbrella corporation or Wolfram and Hart.

I've been putting in apps this past week as well. Honestly, most of my problems have to do with the individual store and not Target in general. My store is an absolute mess. The ETL-HR can't make a decent schedule to save their life. I don't just mean a lack of hours, but a lack of a sufficient amount of team members to allows the store to run efficiently. Our lines at the checklanes should not be backing up to the carpets. And this poor scheduling effects every part of the store. On top of that, I just don't feel appreciated for my hard work. I've spent so much time becoming global and all that and told this and that about how I'm being considered for a GSA spot and nothing coming to fruition. I'd like to transfer to a better store, but getting our ETL-HR to even initiate it is a freaking hassle. And then there's the company's general downward spiral. It's just not something I want to be apart of.
They told me that I could have a higher up position at Target with the degree I'm going for in college.

What I said was, "COOL!"


But what I really said in my head:

Do I want to quit? Yes of course who doesn't......I know half of the team at my store does but let's face it the job market is awful. I know several TM who have tried looking for other jobs and have said it's brutal.... In fact a recent TM who was thinking of quitting ( ending up just walking out) said he applied at Mcdonald's, some grocery store, other desk type jobs and still hadn't heard back so ya you know the job market is brutal and he just walked out just like that with no back-up plan or anything. I mean I know Target can be with hrs etc but at least have a back-up plan..... Try and tough it out and please,please look for a job first because sitting at home can be fun and games true but it can get boring quick and let's face it those unemployment checks do not last forever.
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