Archived I feel like...

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Jun 27, 2011
I feel like 90% of you posters on this forum are from low volume stores... 4am process, or 5 or less trucks a week type stores... Where are all my 60,70,80+ million dollar store overnight process teams at? I feel like most of the procedures target comes up with only work in these low volume stores.
I am a not a ulv store. All stores are important to spot. Changes need to happen to remain competive. My store is a roughly 46 million store.
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My store is a AA+ $70 million store well on our way to becoming an $80 million one. Did you have a question we can help you with?
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My store is a $110+ million. My store does in a day what some of you don't in a week or more.
No, no questions I just feel like most of the post from the people on this forum are from low volume stores that is all.
My store is a A volume store with a early morning logistics process which is a pain in the rear when the food truck shows up in the middle of the gm unload.
ULV's and "normal" volume stores are difficult to compare. They have very few similarities. I've worked both. ULV's are the devil.
I'm at an A volume Super-Freaky BTC store. Also, a PFresh store as of last year.

Oh, and we definitely have an Overnight Logistics process.
I feel like 90% of you posters on this forum are from low volume stores... 4am process, or 5 or less trucks a week type stores... Where are all my 60,70,80+ million dollar store overnight process teams at? I feel like most of the procedures target comes up with only work in these low volume stores.

I have worked at seven stores...anywhere from an ULV D store ($18 million store) to an inner city multi-level B volume store ($42 million store). Other than training at an A store, I have never worked at anything higher than a B volume store. (My current store is a B volume store...around $40 million.)

Every store has its own problems. When I worked at the D store, we had no payroll. When I worked at the multi-level store, we had six stockrooms on three floors...trucks were processed in the basement and all freight had to go up two freight elevators. Talk about a logistical! My current B volume store does no business until back-to-school & fourth quarter. But at those times, we are as busy as an A volume store. (We have 4 colleges & universities near us.) The amount of freight during BTS & 4th Quarter is crazy. So every store is unique in its own right, in my opinion, of course.
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No, no questions I just feel like most of the post from the people on this forum are from low volume stores that is all.

Part of it may be that you read more here about problems in ULV stores than in higher-volume stores. We've got good representation of most (if not all) volume classes here, but many of the issues that are discussed here are ULV issues.
I am a 70 on the way to 80, not going to make it this year unless there is some sort of miracle... It is gonna be close though!
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