Archived I got Spit on

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Cosmetic Brand B*tch
Feb 6, 2015
No, I'm serious.

So, in the break room today, a young cashier named "Asshole" was hardcore hitting on this girl who flat out told him she was getting married. And as soon as she left, he got up and went on the hunt for our new intern, saying that he was gonna go get her number. He screamed her name everywhere looking for her. She literally has to hide in the office now to avoid him.

Because of this, and a few other annoyances (why were you squeaking a bike horn loudly and repeatedly while checking someone out?), I and a few other TMs went to the LOD and told them that the behavior was unacceptable. She pulled Asshole into her office and had a chat.

Asshole came out a few minutes later and approached me, while I was ringing out a guest, and screamed loudly that I should mind my own business because he never talks about the shit I do (like what, bro?). I ignored him, which fueled the fire, and went to the LOD AGAIN to let her know that the guest was filling out a complaint card about his behavior, so she pulled him off the registers again for another chat.

Flash forward to the end of my shift, about 3 hours later. I was doing one last carry-out for a guest I had helped on the sales floor earlier in the day. As she got out of her car at the doors, Asshole walked out, took a swig of soda, and spit it at me. At my person. ME.

Now, I generally find myself to be a forgiving person. And had he not spit at me, I was going to tell HR during our meeting Monday that it was just a misunderstanding, and that he had probably just never been scolded before and didn't know the proper way to respond. But no. He spit at me.

Now it's war. If serious action isn't taken against him on Monday, I'm placing a curse upon him and his descendants. Or, like, I'll scowl at him whenever I pass by, but whatever.

I mean...the boy SPIT ON ME.
Yup, I'd be insisting they fire him if they aren't smart enough to do it themselves. That disgusting, but the fact that they just "chatted" with him after he harassed multiple tms and screamed in front of a guest is just bananas. Whatever happened to sending someone home early to think about their actions?
Crazy thing is that first instance falls hard under sexual harassment & Spot normally doesn't tolerate that at ALL.
If that first TM wanted to, she'd have just cause to end his ass for that alone.
At the very LEAST, that intern ought to sic leadership on him.
I'm a big believer that duct tape is a good solution to many of the problems we face everyday.
Pretty sure it would work well in this case as well.
I'd be happy to help hold him down while you apply it.

On a more realistic note, I'd be be making sure he got fired and if he wasn't gone right away I'd first have a conversation with the STL and if he isn't gone soonest, then the hotline.
They maybe just writing the paperwork. But I would make sure it was reported and a demand that he be shitcanned or on a final no doubt. A chat with HR or the ETL handling it get assurance that this will not be allowed and it is being handled. So you can get a feel that they are just writing the paperwork or they are doing nothing.

If you get a feel they are just documenting this douche out, keep your cool and watch Karma bite him in the ass. If not? Hotline. Repeatedly.

Write a log of names, times, locations in store.

Hold fast. Let Karma do her work.. She is really good at what she does.
The answer management at the store I worked at would be - I didn't see it happen so there is nothing I can do about it.

I'm very sorry that happened to you @LadyCynide. All of it. There are so many things wrong that the kid did. Any other establishment would let him go. Sexual harassment. Bullying you for reporting him. Assaulting you with his spit. Again I am so sorry.
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