Archived I lost my fitbit

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Nov 9, 2015
Hello everyone! I lost my fitbit two days ago in my hardlines shift, nobody turned it in, but I've been talking to other team members, and so far there's six of us who have lost it, do I let HR know? Is this happening a lot in other stores?
Lol is someone taking it off your belt? Yes, tell HR and AP. I haven't heard of it at my store.
They're easy to lose, I highly doubt someone stole them all.

There's actually an app you can use to track the bluetooth signal, I've used it before when I lost mine. The strength is stronger as you get closer, can give you an idea of where you might've lost it. I was in receiving, though, a bit easier than out on the sales floor where someone probably already has it.
Yes you're right I noticed that the clip was not as tight as when I got it a month ago, it probably fell out, and a couple of my co workers said that they lost it at school, I felt bad because I was doing so good on my weekly steps! Lol
I'm still waiting on mine.

I have a feeling I'll never see it...

I don't care all that much, anyway.
Yea, a coworker lost their Fitbit. Luckily she lost it in the Backroom where me and fellow BRTm found it while tag teaming case packs in an aisle. Easy to figure out it was hers because she posted about it in FB hours before we found it.
Anything is free when you never receive it.
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