Archived I love it when they fill a position that was never posted for people to apply for

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My last years, my store would post positions like candy for GSA, AP, TL, & Specialist (when they existed) positions. We couldn't keep anybody for more than a year. But funny thing, on a consistant basis no one would be interviewed . The execs had their next person already picked out or they would hire from outside the store...but never mind about the 20 or so TMs that applied for it.
My last years, my store would post positions like candy for GSA, AP, TL, & Specialist (when they existed) positions. We couldn't keep anybody for more than a year. But funny thing, on a consistant basis no one would be interviewed . The execs had their next person already picked out or they would hire from outside the store...but never mind about the 20 or so TMs that applied for it.

This is where I am too. No interview and it infuriates me.
This is where I am too. No interview and it infuriates me.

Why would anyone really care? At my store no one cared if something was posted. The execs already knew who they wanted, so why waste everyones time with "interviews"?

I can understand if it was external people, but the ETLs already know current TMs. If they thought you had what it took, they would have already approached you and asked if you wanted the job. Otherwise, they are just getting everyones hopes up with "interviews" when it is already decided. (also, this would generate more hard feelings.... because now people are also pissed they weren't selected at the "interview")

Also, no one doing the interviews really pays attention anyway. When I interviewed external TMs, I really didn't give a damn if they could "tell me about a time you had to do something with no notice". I was 99% focused on body language, attitude, and if they came across as someone who would treat guests well. Why? Because I didn't know these people. Anyone can lie when you ask them if they have ever been late to work, but usually people find it much more difficult to hide a bad attitude or something of that nature....

On the other hand, I wouldn't really care about current TMs at all in an interview. It would be a straight up formality. I already know them, so I don't need to pay attention to their attitude. It would be a waste of everyones time.
People can surprise you. Plus not all stores are the same. Like mine, for example - has all new leadership. So they SHOULD be doing interviews since they don't know the team. My store just got onto this whole "building a bench" thing and now if you want anything you HAVE to interview for whatever they post whether you are interested in it or not if you every want to be considered for ANYTHING. It's stupid. Plus now they are interviewing for lateral move positions. It doesn't make sense. Skipping TL interviews but interviewing for positions that don't need interviews?
The last 2 positions in my area where never posted as they already had someone in mind.
That they didn't even tell me that there were openings much less suggest I interview told me that I was not considered worth promoting. Both hires were from outside & have yet to get their feet under them after almost a yr.
We lost our ETL-HR around September and ETL-SL filled the role. After she became HR there were 5 positions (I kept track) that were hired for despite not being posted (GSTL, MMB, Seasonal GSA, MMB again after the first guy quit, and FATL). A friend of mine got the GSTL spot and explained that it was because he and the recently promoted Plano TL had both passed their DTL interview when the Plano spot was open, but PlanoTL had done a little bit better so they gave him that spot, while promising GSTL the next TL spot to open, which happened to be pretty close. The FATL position was filled by the former GSTL who decided she wanted to move areas. MMB they just approached people they wanted, and seasonal GSA was given to someone who had done it seasonally a few years ago and someone who sucked up a lot. Outrageous.
If you don't tell leadership you want to develop/promote then it's not going to happen. No one knows what you want until you tell them. Chances are they are promoting the team members who have asked to be developed. This is how my store is, at least.
If you don't tell leadership you want to develop/promote then it's not going to happen. No one knows what you want until you tell them. Chances are they are promoting the team members who have asked to be developed. This is how my store is, at least.

Not always, I've been telling them for over a year that I want a lead position. twice, the CTL has been filled without being posted and no mention to me of developing.
There is an open position on my team. When I asked if they plan to fill it since it isn't posted I was told it will be done "internally". Ummm....aren't the posted positions done internally? If tm's don't know there are positions available how are they supposed to "express interest"?
There is an open position on my team. When I asked if they plan to fill it since it isn't posted I was told it will be done "internally". Ummm....aren't the posted positions done internally? If tm's don't know there are positions available how are they supposed to "express interest"?

My point exactly.... it's as if you have to go and check every day to see if a position is posted. I don't have time to do that!
This. If stores are hiring for positions without posting your first call should be hotline.

I should have probably called the hotline a few months ago when they were interviewing for GSA. I put my name in, since I can always use the interview experience and I figure I'm going to be at Target for awhile. (Teaching positions are not in demand right now.) After a few weeks, the ETL-GE told me it was a waste of time to interview me since I "was going to be leaving anyway" and they "wanted someone long term". AWESOME. Never mind my experience. Never mind that I've been trained in nearly every area of the store. Never mind that I work all the time and actually SHOW UP for my shifts.

My absolute favorite is when they post TL positions and a bunch of people apply...then they refuse to interview anyone internally and hire from outside. This has happened TWICE now and we've been stuck with two TLs who don't know what they're doing. Having a tiny bit of retail experience outside of the bullseye does not qualify you for a TL position. Oh, wait, but this is Target, right?


I was shocked when they actually interviewed for Pfresh assistant and hired from within though...
I should have probably called the hotline a few months ago when they were interviewing for GSA. I put my name in, since I can always use the interview experience and I figure I'm going to be at Target for awhile. (Teaching positions are not in demand right now.) After a few weeks, the ETL-GE told me it was a waste of time to interview me since I "was going to be leaving anyway" and they "wanted someone long term". AWESOME. Never mind my experience. Never mind that I've been trained in nearly every area of the store. Never mind that I work all the time and actually SHOW UP for my shifts.

My absolute favorite is when they post TL positions and a bunch of people apply...then they refuse to interview anyone internally and hire from outside. This has happened TWICE now and we've been stuck with two TLs who don't know what they're doing. Having a tiny bit of retail experience outside of the bullseye does not qualify you for a TL position. Oh, wait, but this is Target, right?


I was shocked when they actually interviewed for Pfresh assistant and hired from within though...

Honestly, it doesn't sound like your ETL was trying to be rude or anything. The fact is - if you have a degree and are qualified to be a teacher, then you are way way way way way overqualified to be a GSA. The fact is, the company wants to reduce turn over in "key" positions as much as possible. Like it or not, a GSA is a key position just like a TL and they need to know it is going to be someone who is going to stay long term. You say teacher positions are not available right now.... well, what about 6 months or a year or even two years? Sounds like a long time, but from the perspective of the company it really isn't.

It sounds to me like your ETL was trying to give you a nudge that she thinks you can do better. To give you an extreme example, let's say a medical doctor comes in and wants to apply for cart attendant.... I mean, you see the problem with that situation, right?

Now granted I am not saying a teacher is anywhere near the level of a medical doctor, but teacher is still *many* career steps above a GSA.

If you really wanted to be a GSA that bad, you should have kept your degree secret from anyone at Target. As it stands right now, you are overqualified, and honestly it sounds like they are just waiting for you to leave to a position more appropriate to your credentials.

IMO - if you really really really want GSA for some reason, your best bet is to transfer to another store nearby and make damn sure you don't tell anyone there about your credentials. If anyone asks, say you have a high school diploma. Then just wait for a GSA opening.
Honestly, it doesn't sound like your ETL was trying to be rude or anything. The fact is - if you have a degree and are qualified to be a teacher, then you are way way way way way overqualified to be a GSA. The fact is, the company wants to reduce turn over in "key" positions as much as possible. Like it or not, a GSA is a key position just like a TL and they need to know it is going to be someone who is going to stay long term. You say teacher positions are not available right now.... well, what about 6 months or a year or even two years? Sounds like a long time, but from the perspective of the company it really isn't.

It sounds to me like your ETL was trying to give you a nudge that she thinks you can do better. To give you an extreme example, let's say a medical doctor comes in and wants to apply for cart attendant.... I mean, you see the problem with that situation, right?

Now granted I am not saying a teacher is anywhere near the level of a medical doctor, but teacher is still *many* career steps above a GSA.

If you really wanted to be a GSA that bad, you should have kept your degree secret from anyone at Target. As it stands right now, you are overqualified, and honestly it sounds like they are just waiting for you to leave to a position more appropriate to your credentials.

IMO - if you really really really want GSA for some reason, your best bet is to transfer to another store nearby and make damn sure you don't tell anyone there about your credentials. If anyone asks, say you have a high school diploma. Then just wait for a GSA opening.

Being overqualified for a GSA position is a riot of a statement to make. It's a freaking GSA position, not a TL. They're a dime-a-dozen and easily replaceable like the rest of us scrubs; if the position is so long term then why is it so convenient to make a 'seasonal GSA' for a month or two? Sounds like the ETL just used that excuse to automatically shut out the TM without having to raise any immediate red flags.
Being overqualified for a GSA position is a riot of a statement to make. It's a freaking GSA position, not a TL. They're a dime-a-dozen and easily replaceable like the rest of us scrubs; if the position is so long term then why is it so convenient to make a 'seasonal GSA' for a month or two? Sounds like the ETL just used that excuse to automatically shut out the TM without having to raise any immediate red flags.

I think State is right that there are certain positions that Spot really doesn't want people in who are over qualified.
For them being too smart is almost worse than being not smart enough.
You are way to likely to ask too many questions, get bored, try to change things, or get another job.
The people who are smart and do the job well, get hammered down every time they try to make things work better.
You will find that there are certain kinds of degrees that it is almost better to cover up when you go in for a retail job, something I learned a long time ago.
Being overqualified for a GSA position is a riot of a statement to make. It's a freaking GSA position, not a TL. They're a dime-a-dozen and easily replaceable like the rest of us scrubs; if the position is so long term then why is it so convenient to make a 'seasonal GSA' for a month or two? Sounds like the ETL just used that excuse to automatically shut out the TM without having to raise any immediate red flags.

Dude, do you know what overqualified means? I said OVERqualified not UNDERqualified. Huge difference between the two. You seem to be thinking I said underqualified.

Because she is OVERqualified - in other words, college degree with the qualifications to be a teacher - she has too many qualifications to be a GSA. It is a dime a dozen job and easily replaceable, just like you say, therefore she meets the definition of "overqualified".

The definition from "Overqualified. Adjective. having more education, training, or experience than is required for a job or position. " Sooooo since this person has a degree and is qualified to be a teacher, they thus meet the definition of overqualified in this situation.

A person can be either overqualified or underqualified for a job. If a person is underqualified it is like a high school drop out applying for ETL. They don't have the education required, therefore they are underqualified. On the flip side, a person with a masters degree in computer programming could apply for cart attendant. Obvious case of being overqualified for the job.

Employers don't want either situation because both are bad *for employers*. If you have someone under qualified, chances are they won't do the job well. If you have someone overqualified, they are going to split the moment a better job comes along, be bored in the job, upset coworkers who are are at the career level for the job, or any other number of problems are likely to come up *for the employer*.

And the worst part of all *from the eyes of Target*? Target wants people who follow orders without question. Statistically speaking, well educated people (and teachers in particular), are more likely to question the status quo. Remember being in school? All those teachers who asked "why is this societal situation not fair?". Target doesn't want that. A person with a high level education (in particular a teacher) in a low skilled job like GSA is apt to start "asking questions"... if you know what I mean. "Why are review scores decided by HQ?" "Why are we not letting cashiers get their hours?" etc. Target doesn't want that. They want someone who will follow orders and not question anything. Hate to say it, but a person with a high school diploma is much less likely to start trouble than a well educated person (with better job options... thus not as afraid to get fired.... should they decided to start asking questions). That's why GSA is a job for a high school grad, not a college grad that qualifies to be a teacher. In other words, she is OVERqualified for the job and therefore not an acceptable candidate in the eyes of Target.
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The thing i hate about target is that they think having a degree makes u a leader.

Except for mine. I took this job after college to have some money while I took graduate classes. They didn't care at the time that I have a bachelor's degree. Now I am two steps away from my master's and searching for teaching jobs. Yes, I am overqualified. However, teaching jobs are not plentiful, especially for people who have limited experience (as I do). It was more he was slightly rude about it. Now I don't really care, but sheesh, have a little more sensitivity. Yes, I will be turning in my two weeks once I have an offer for a full time job. I mostly apply for promotions just to keep my interview skills up. The LODs were cool with that for awhile, but I guess not anymore...

I never knew you could be an exec straight out of college, but I am SO glad I didn't go that route. I know I'm supposed to be a teacher and that's what I'm striving for. Target's just health insurance. 🙂

I guess for me being overqualified, it's super frustrating to see people who are lazy or dumb getting promoted or better raises or whatever. It is true, I do get bored. One of our old GSAs got bored with the job before moving to Pfresh...made me glad to NOT get the job. I've been trained in practically everything at our store (minus CO, receiving, SFT, and AP) and I do get a pretty good variety of shifts. I had it made for awhile, getting shifts in workcenters I liked, but now I'm getting tossed back into the FR (which I don't like). I'm hoping I'll get some backroom this summer since a lot of people are transferring/moving/taking LOAs though. I'd be okay with that, since I work well on my own.

I hate to go back to the "oh it's the economy" standpoint, but that's partially true. People are taking jobs that are beneath their qualifications. It sucks, but there's nothing you can do about it. Keep trying for jobs in your area, and hope Target is temporary. 🙂
"Now I am two steps away from my master's"

This just compounds your problem.... On top of everything else that goes with being overqualified, your ETLs probably view you as a direct threat to them. (as it is highly unlikely any of them, or even your STL, have a masters degree) They are also probably jealous. Chances are most of them graduated with a 2.0 GPA with a trash degree. You are going places in life, they aren't, they know it, and they are pissed. For that reason alone, they will never let you advance.
The thing i hate about target is that they think having a degree makes u a leader.

In fairness to Target - honestly they don't think it makes you a "leader". They think it makes you qualified to be a manager. (the two are *not* the same)

The thing is, Target likes to be very politically correct and non-threatening. So, "leader" sounds friendlier than "manager".

Honestly, having a 4 year degree over a high school grad/drop out does show certain characteristics. For example, motivation to complete a huge 4 year affair, responsibility, intelligence, etc.

*But* the above is *only* true if you factor in other variables such as GPA, honors status, school attended, type of degree, etc. The problem is Target does none of that. So if someone did university of phoenix, got a degree in painting, and almost failed all of his classes - Target gives him just as much of a chance to be an ETL as someone who went to the University of Texas, took all honors classes, got a degree in engineering, and graduated summa cum laude.

Chances are the guy from University of Texas would clean house compared to the university of phoenix person.

I think this is why some ETLs are complete jokes while some are really good.

One thing, though, is that I think the 4 year degree is a good screener for external people. I mean, honestly, as a TL it sickened me how many losers we hired at my store. People who NCNS all the time, come late, hide and you can't find them half the day, steal, come to work on drugs, etc. (our store being in the ghetto didn't help) I mean, can you imagine if one of them slipped through the cracks and was hired as an ETL? They could do a ton of damage. So really, I can see why Target does it just from an assets protection point of view. That doesn't even factor in everything else.
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