Archived I put in my two weeks!

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Nov 17, 2014
I just gave HR my two weeks notice. I decided to make it a short note thanking them for everything and telling them I would miss them. My first draft was a little different:

Dear Target pricks,
When I first came to this company, it was a different place. The workload wasn't nearly as stressful as it is now. The expectations weren't set so high, and none of the supervisors were enforcing illogical rules. In just a year's time, I've witnessed the store take a very drastic decline. Everywhere I look, every TM is complaining about how annoyed and stressed out they are. I don't want to have to come into that sort of environment every time I come to work. Seeing all of my coworkers so unhappy all the time is actually starting to bring me down. It's becoming a negative influence in my life, and that's the exact opposite of what Target is supposed to be. So here are my parting words---
To my STL: You always had the best intentions in mind and valued me more than most of the ETLs did. And because of that, I can overlook the fact that you chug that kool aid harder than a college kid chugs beers at a frat party.
To my ETLs: I can't say I agree with all of the rules you enforce, but I have to give you props for regularly pulling 10+ hour shifts 5 days a week. I might act completely different if I was under that kind of pressure, so I'm going to assume that all of you are much nicer people outside of work.
To my TLs: You basically do the ETLs work, so you deserve much higher recognition than you receive.
To my TMs: I would've left a long time ago if it weren't for all of you. What else can I say besides I love you guys? Except for that one TM. You know who you are, you creepy bastard. You can fuck off.

I'm so glad my store, TM, and ETL's don't suck.

Time to register @ IHateTarget, eh?
It's an LOL site for sure.

It's so funny that they would ban me because I didn't have anything bad to say.
I just gave HR my two weeks notice. I decided to make it a short note thanking them for everything and telling them I would miss them. My first draft was a little different:

Dear Target pricks,
When I first came to this company, it was a different place. The workload wasn't nearly as stressful as it is now. The expectations weren't set so high, and none of the supervisors were enforcing illogical rules. In just a year's time, I've witnessed the store take a very drastic decline. Everywhere I look, every TM is complaining about how annoyed and stressed out they are. I don't want to have to come into that sort of environment every time I come to work. Seeing all of my coworkers so unhappy all the time is actually starting to bring me down. It's becoming a negative influence in my life, and that's the exact opposite of what Target is supposed to be. So here are my parting words---
To my STL: You always had the best intentions in mind and valued me more than most of the ETLs did. And because of that, I can overlook the fact that you chug that kool aid harder than a college kid chugs beers at a frat party.
To my ETLs: I can't say I agree with all of the rules you enforce, but I have to give you props for regularly pulling 10+ hour shifts 5 days a week. I might act completely different if I was under that kind of pressure, so I'm going to assume that all of you are much nicer people outside of work.
To my TLs: You basically do the ETLs work, so you deserve much higher recognition than you receive.
To my TMs: I would've left a long time ago if it weren't for all of you. What else can I say besides I love you guys? Except for that one TM. You know who you are, you creepy bastard. You can fuck off.


It's like you're describing my store.
Yeh, they didn't catch on until the next time they were stocking the stations, about a week later.

I'd hate to be the TM who needed to open one to get supplies for a spill.
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