Archived If we took everyone from this forum and gave them a position they currently have now.

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Feb 1, 2012
Put them at a newly constructed target .How well do you think a store would succeed from the way people propose themselves as Good/Great/FFF workers?

I think there are some bright minds here and some people with some sense in this forum. I think that if this would happen we probably would maybe be green 80% of the month.. Meet sale everyday(with some days lacking) Maybe not in the top 3 in the distric for red cards but good GS Survey Scores...

Personal opinions?
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Well, we would definitely have great leadership that knows their stuff. Everything else would depend on guests, store volume, distribution of merchandise, etc.
I'll be fine if parents would stop sitting their toddlers (with stinky diapers) on my counter while they order! :bad:
Our plano team would be like 2 weeks ahead of schedule haha.
If we are ONLY staffing it with members, the pharmacy would be screwed because I doubt there's a RPh registered 😉 If we could hire my ETL-Rx, though, I think we'd rock!
If we are ONLY staffing it with members, the pharmacy would be screwed because I doubt there's a RPh registered 😉 If we could hire my ETL-Rx, though, I think we'd rock!

I'm pretty sure we had someone interviewing for ETL-Rx recently, can't remember whether or not they got it.
Haha, our Target would own pretty hard 😉 Do we have any ETLs who post here? If not I say TLs run the store! haha 🙂
Haha, our Target would own pretty hard 😉 Do we have any ETLs who post here? If not I say TLs run the store! haha 🙂

There are a few ETLs around... A few years ago there were a ton more (HIPO ones actually) that taught us a lot before leaving for other opportunities!
We wouldn't have problems with flow team missing end caps and second locations (or overstocking).
Agreed. This forum is a free-for-all, and the people that bring themselves here are the ones who are interested in learning and interacting more. I have long imagined that if the store stopped babysitting everyone, and simply cut the good workers loose to tackle their tasks at will, there would be dramatic improvement in productivity.
I'd be cooking ya'll some AWESOME meals, everything hot-n-fresh!
If you guys manage to pull this off I may reconsider my employment situation with spot.... Although self promoting to guest is the highlight of my target career!!! 😀
Softlines would be killer. And the other Softlines team leads would have to take rtw out of my cold dead hands if they wanted it 😉 I'll also call acc while I'm at it
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