Archived I'm so upset

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The Original Doll
Feb 27, 2016
So like a month ago I put in a request to be interviewed for GSA. I was told numerous times by two LODs and a GSTL I would get an interview (we lost one recently so that's why I even put in the request). So now a month later, still no interview.

So it turns out, this other guy got the position, which is fine. I'm not a sore loser. But what bugs me is they didn't even tell me "we aren't going to be able to interview you after all." They just left me hanging after weeks of letting me know I'm getting an interview. This feels very unprofessional, and honestly I feel a bit cheated.
The first thing you've gotta learn to do @ Spot is to NOT get upset.

Soak it up, think about it, and persevere.
Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!


Yeah, it's annoying, but they didn't even schedule an interview with you. It's not like there was one already set date, and then they just didn't show up. They just ended up not needing to do interviews because they already selected someone. I don't know why Target even bothers to have applications and interviews because any time promotions come up, they usually already have someone in mind for the position, making applying pointless. It's a little wishy-washy on their end.

However, turn over at Target is insanely fast. If you missed the opportunity for GSA this time, there will be another opportunity for it probably a few months later. People are always moving around. That's how it seems at my store at least. They get new GSTLs before the holidays, and around THIS time.

ALSO...GSA is a stupid position. Don't waste your time. Go for GSTL.
Not saying you weren't, but being proactive can help. Ask them about updates. Hound them. ETL's aren't management. They're usually art majors in red and khaki. Their words are unreliable, and your expectations of them should be extremely low because this job is most likely just a job to them as it is to most people.
If one thing I've learned from target is if you want anything done you have to repeatedly ask or tell them something. Just keep asking them when a spot will be available and stand there when they schedule an interview. I had to do that with scheduling issues and stuff but it finally worked. Don't worry about annoying them. It will get it done lol
I asked once every week for an ETL interview since my 90 days ended. Took a month before I got the interview. Now I have to repeat again until they give me my 2nd round of interviews. Just can't let them go, keep at it until they give you an update or set date/time.
So like a month ago I put in a request to be interviewed for GSA. I was told numerous times by two LODs and a GSTL I would get an interview (we lost one recently so that's why I even put in the request). So now a month later, still no interview.

So it turns out, this other guy got the position, which is fine. I'm not a sore loser. But what bugs me is they didn't even tell me "we aren't going to be able to interview you after all." They just left me hanging after weeks of letting me know I'm getting an interview. This feels very unprofessional, and honestly I feel a bit cheated.
Sadly this is typical Spot behavior. Btdt.
Sadly this is typical Spot behavior. Btdt.
Be prepared for them to continue ignoring applications if they have not suggested you apply. I've been ignored, told flat out I wasn't getting interviewed because I was "seen as mean" by me peers (who love me btw), and actually interviewed (but only when they had already picked someone and were just going through the motions for show).

Take this opportunity to politely pester them for help with your "opportunities" before you apply again. They might even feel generous and "develop" you including mock interviews. Don't give up, but don't let them convince you that you are unworthy.
Yeah, this is management's way of operating at the store level. If they don't want you to have somethings, they will tell you what they think you want to hear and then go on and do their own thing and hope you are stupid enough to not notice they lied to you. It's a crappy way to lead, but I think it's in their handbook.

But honestly, you dodged a bullet. It's a crappy position.
If one thing I've learned from target is if you want anything done you have to repeatedly ask or tell them something. Just keep asking them when a spot will be available and stand there when they schedule an interview. I had to do that with scheduling issues and stuff but it finally worked. Don't worry about annoying them. It will get it done lol
And repeatedly hounding them doesn't even work sometimes. Once I put in a time off request and I was told FOUR times it would be approved. When the day came, it still wasn't approved but I was in a different state so there was nothing I could've done.
Something to keep in mind. Generally, when Spot posts an opening they usually already have an idea of who they want to fill it . Unfair? Yes. However, that's the way it works most of the time ( I know in my store it does and I have heard several others say the same thing). Through the years, I have seen it time and time again. The etls, pick who they want in the role ( sometimes its a good choice based on work ethic, leadership capabilities etc...sometimes its based on how much ass the tm kisses etc) and then the etls make it happen. So, don't beat yourself up about not getting interviewed . It happens all the time .
So like a month ago I put in a request to be interviewed for GSA. I was told numerous times by two LODs and a GSTL I would get an interview (we lost one recently so that's why I even put in the request). So now a month later, still no interview.

So it turns out, this other guy got the position, which is fine. I'm not a sore loser. But what bugs me is they didn't even tell me "we aren't going to be able to interview you after all." They just left me hanging after weeks of letting me know I'm getting an interview. This feels very unprofessional, and honestly I feel a bit cheated.
Happens very often. Usually when any promotion opportunity happens, the Execs already know and picked out the individual they want in the position before it even is posted. They have to officially interview as a formality that person but don't have to for the rest of the pool.
And repeatedly hounding them doesn't even work sometimes. Once I put in a time off request and I was told FOUR times it would be approved. When the day came, it still wasn't approved but I was in a different state so there was nothing I could've done.

It's true it took me a good 7 schedules to get it across to them they need to follow my approved availability lol
yea I know how you feel but not getting the GSA job saves you from a lot of crap from management blaming you for why your team does not get Redcards, and you wont be an underpaid "GSTL"
Hmmm... sounds a lot like my situation. 'Bout a month ago, they told me I was going to be the new GSA; OK fine. Well two weeks later they say they need to interview others. A week after that, here we are, I'm a GSA. They told me during my interview I can be "aggressive" sometimes, and I need to respect authority. I spoke with a couple cashiers afterward who didn't even know about the open position.

What got me the most was the other TMs not knowing about the position. I'd wouldn't care if I was competing for some high-roller position at JPMorgan Chase or something, but this is a glorified cashier position at a grocery store, and I'm not here to step on others toes just to get a job that gives me anxiety and a hoitey-toitey $0.50 more an hour.

Whatever, Target.
Hmmm... sounds a lot like my situation. 'Bout a month ago, they told me I was going to be the new GSA; OK fine. Well two weeks later they say they need to interview others. A week after that, here we are, I'm a GSA. They told me during my interview I can be "aggressive" sometimes, and I need to respect authority. I spoke with a couple cashiers afterward who didn't even know about the open position.

What got me the most was the other TMs not knowing about the position. I'd wouldn't care if I was competing for some high-roller position at JPMorgan Chase or something, but this is a glorified cashier position at a grocery store, and I'm not here to step on others toes just to get a job that gives me anxiety and a hoitey-toitey $0.50 more an hour.

Whatever, Target.
My ETL-GE used my "interview" as an excuse to chew me out. I could tell in the first 5 minutes she never would consider me for GSA in 1000 years and just wanted to get the motions over and done with so I could get back to work. "you don't make quick decisions" and "you fight people who want to use a coupon" "you are very black and white" at least my GSTL had more faith in me. :)
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