Archived Impossible to get fired?

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Pricing Ninja
Feb 19, 2014
I already know its really hard to actually get fired at Target once you are past your 90 days, unless you are outright stealing money from the registers or something.
So there is someone that works on my team, and I am wondering how she isn't fired by now.
Just in the last two weeks, she has called off 3 times. Two weeks ago she was 2 hours late for a shift, 30 minutes late another day, and usually 5-10 minutes late on any given day. She has called off 7 times since the beginning of this year (i know this because my TL told me, but I am wondering why she hasn't been wrote up for it?)
This is a weekly occurrence, we never know when she will show up and it is really frustrating for our team. With my knowledge, she hasn't been written up for attendance issues since sometime last year. Normally I could care less if people show up for work or not, but since this directly effects me and my team making us stay longer (10+ hour shifts) I have had enough.
Hopefully your tl is doing documentation and coachings. We had a couple on flow . It took a couple months but they are history. Hang in there!
I would refuse to stay later (if I didn't need the hours). If leadership is going to put up with it, then they can deal with the consequences of her not being there.

Well the thing is we stay late, but come friday they will just kick us out super early and attempt to do the work we didnt finish. But if this continues, I will just refuse to stay like you said until they actually do something about it. I alreayd told them I dont want her scheduled on our team anymore but they wont listen to me
I already know its really hard to actually get fired at Target once you are past your 90 days, unless you are outright stealing money from the registers or something.
So there is someone that works on my team, and I am wondering how she isn't fired by now.
Just in the last two weeks, she has called off 3 times. Two weeks ago she was 2 hours late for a shift, 30 minutes late another day, and usually 5-10 minutes late on any given day. She has called off 7 times since the beginning of this year (i know this because my TL told me, but I am wondering why she hasn't been wrote up for it?)
This is a weekly occurrence, we never know when she will show up and it is really frustrating for our team. With my knowledge, she hasn't been written up for attendance issues since sometime last year. Normally I could care less if people show up for work or not, but since this directly effects me and my team making us stay longer (10+ hour shifts) I have had enough.

You don't mention how long she has worked there or how reliable she was in the past or how well liked she might have been & that's all important info.

Is it possible she has spoken with the ETL or HR and she explained why she is late & missing so much work lately? Maybe she has some trouble at home & they are being patient with her. (If not, they ARE keeping track of this & will start to figure out how to push her out.)

On the other hand, she might just be inconsiderate & doesn't care if she loses her job anymore.
I work with someone like that. He either called off, came in late, or NCNS at least twice a week for a few months. Then he suddenly just started having perfect attendance...I mentioned it to him offhand and he said he'd never been written up or coached but he had finally gotten called into the office with the TL and ETL where they basically told him he would have been fired long ago except for the fact that he worked hard when he did show up.

But he told me that he definitely got the impression he would be fired soon so he got his act together and started showing up.

Keep the pressure on your ETL to talk to this person.
Maybe she just isn't on your stores leaderships radar right will catch up to her eventually. Either that or she is real chummy with the etls.
She has worked at target for at least 3 years. Horrible attendance since I have known her. I already know she has been coached twice for attendance. We are on the same team, so we talk a lot. She lied one time and said her grandma died and took two weeks off work and then later confessed to me that she just had no gas money to get to work. So lets take two weeks off work and make no money .. thats really gonna help lol. She does not talk to HR or anyone about anything because she hates Target. I wouldn't jump to conclusions if I knew nothing about her because I understand some people have problems to where they cant make it to work all the time, but this is not the case with her

Since she has already been coached twice, it does seem like she's already on the radar. She might be getting away with it now but if a new ETL comes on board, he/she might decide to make it a priority to get rid of her.

Maybe they aren't rushing to dump her because they have other people that are even worse & they are working on canning them now? lol
We have one who calls out frequently, comes in late, poor attitude & job performance.
Why is he still here?
His mom is a TL in another dept & is chummy with HR.
It's not impossible, it's just a matter of if the management want to go to the trouble.
If it's worth to them they can have just about anyone gone in a couple of months.

This person has either flown under the radar, is in the process of getting fired and you don't know it, or has a protector.
Only way to get fired is to steal or kill a guest on the floor
Or if an ETL or TL is out to get to you and writes you up for every tiny thing every time unecessarily. It's not impossible to not get fired have seen it happen many times and usually it's for either "hooking up" friends or relatives or it was for "performance" issues when the ETL or TL just did not like the team member and made their life hell until they either quit or got fired. Sometimes they disliked the person for no reason at all which puzzled me.
there is someone at my store that has only been working a month and has called out twice and been sent home 3 times for personal issues and being sick and they are still there.
It sounds like you're really concerned with another team member's job performance. How is that making your life better today?
Piss of a TL and they will fire you for ANY wrong doing. Give a coupon away, even though that would be considered GREAT vibe, technically it is still wrong. The vibe is TECHNICALLY wrong and if someone hates you they will fire you for a VIBE moment
Lol yes am I concerned because if you had read my actual post you would see it effects MY job performance because I have to work longer shifts when she doesnt show up

I don't do drama, I don't care if Jesse hates Jenney for stealing her man.

However this is why poor attendance and performance is everyones concern. When one person does not show up or do their job then everyone else needs to pick up the slack.
I work for Target. Do you think stuff like that doesn't happen to me too? Last night I was short a closing cart attendant, a closing GSTM and only had one cashier scheduled to close. The lanes still got zoned and the carts still got done and salvage still got brought back to receiving. And between the time I left work and now I didn't feel upset about it once. I had a really nice day. As soon as you let this shit start to eat at you you're in serious trouble.
Here's how it goes...
Team member must be late three times before FIRST write up.
Team member must be late ANOTHER three times before second write up.
Team member must be late an additional three times before third writeup.

That's nine times. Then the team member has another three times before FINAL writeup. If they are late again, they can be fired. The paperwork and followup is absolutely ridiculous.

There are other factors, but this is the 'by the book" method that was explained to me. No Call No Shows can be fired on their fourth time if they haven't shown up for work or called within that time.
We had a team member like this at our store. I swore they were a nc/ns weakly, and called out once or twice a week and nothing came of it. The whole department was livid that nothing was done. I think they took them into the office after a good two months of it and talked to them and they said they didn't plan on coming into work anymore. I guess they took that as a "I'm quitting" and the team member never came back. This is all hear say but they must have called out or not showen up for a good 75% of their shifts. If you don't want to work here that much, just quit!
That is a conflict of interest and needs to be Hotline ASAP. Family members SHOULD NOT be working in the same store where one has influence especially
We have one who calls out frequently, comes in late, poor attitude & job performance.
Why is he still here?
His mom is a TL in another dept & is chummy with HR.
immediate family where one is a manager.
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