Archived Interview Advice For Tomorrow

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Sep 5, 2016
Hi, just hoping for any and all advice for my interview tomorrow. I got a rejection email for a hardlines position because they had my availability wrong. I thought I had put 7:15 am to 12:45 am, but they had 12:45 PM on my application. I just called HR and clarified that, and the HR person asked if I would be able to come in on short notice tomorrow at 10 am for an interview! WOOHOO! I am so nervous...but so excited as well. Any tips...good answers to common questions? I was going to wear khakis and a red shirt, but don't know how cheesy or presumptive that looks, so I'll wear a light blue polo shirt with the target khakis. That's good right?

Any other advice? I will get there around 9:30, so I'm plenty early, and then was told to go to GS and say I'm there for an interview.
How about shoes, I just got a nice new pair of Nike sneakers, but is that not dressy enough? I do have a pair of dress shoes. O, and what do I need to bring with me? Social Security card and my photo ID? Anything else? Birth Certificiate perhaps?
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You won't need any documents for your interview. Tuck in your shirt, sit up straight, look me in the eye, don't fidget. Consider your responses. And give complete answers without babbling. Be someone I want to work next to.
Don't wear red and khakis, it just comes across as weird. While you shouldn't overdress and come in wearing a suit, you still need to look decent. Business casual should do just fine.

But more importantly, relax. Breathe. This is Target, not meeting for an audience with the queen of England. Be confident and think about why you would do well at Target. Are you a people person? Do you take initiative in getting tasks done? Are you self-sufficient? What do you think makes you someone who could thrive within the work environment?

You just need to take it easy and have confidence in yourself. Believe in yourself and people will feel that coming off of you. I know you're very nervous, but if you can overcome nerves then you certainly have a good chance at overcoming any obstacles that you will face at work.

Good luck, I hope it goes well for you. Let us know how your interview goes.
Yeah, I'll wear my light blue polo and khakis. I just bought them at the very same Target in question Sat. ;) Seems sneakers are ok too?
Make sure that your shoes are clean. While you're getting dressed and ready, listen to music that will amp you up. It's what I've done in the past for other jobs and it always helps calm any nerves that I might have.

If you think you're going to fidget, bring a binder with some filler paper and a pen. It'll give you something to hold and, if you need to pass the time, you can write down encouraging things for yourself, as well as ways to sell yourself to your interviewer.

But mostly, breathe.
Relax and be confident. They don't throw curveballs at you. These are fairly standard interviews.

They'll probably ask you how long you want to stay with the company. I've found saying that you will stay 'as long as you are given the opportunity to continue to grow in your position' to be a big hit.
Glad it worked out for you, others have said it well. Dont overdo the dress you will almost entirely be graded on how you score. We reject people who come in in slacks all the time.

The interview packet rates you based on your answers. You will be asked often "Tell me a time when."

You mentioned in another thread you have been out of work for a while it will be important to draw on the work experiences you did have.
SrTLall: I am short, about 5'3", but I actually am a fast walker. Some things I do slow, others fast, walking is one of the fast ones, I think. :)
Glad it worked out for you, others have said it well. Dont overdo the dress you will almost entirely be graded on how you score. We reject people who come in in slacks all the time.

The interview packet rates you based on your answers. You will be asked often "Tell me a time when."

You mentioned in another thread you have been out of work for a while it will be important to draw on the work experiences you did have.

Yeah, it was back around 97-2001, so I've forgotten quite a bit about them, but i will do my best to think on my feet as it were. Hopefully I can come up with something they like.
My 'interview' consisted of me walking into clerical, being taken into another small room with HR member, being asked if I wanted the job, me saying yes. Then I signed a paper allowing them to do a background check and me acknowledging that me getting the position was conditional on whether I pass that, some other paper work, and leaving. I just just wore brown pants, a nice button up shirt (button down? never know what the proper term is) made sure I shaved the night before (my face), a scarf. Sat up straight. Nice shoes. That was it. (I also had been really persistent in the month prior to coming in, and had had a pre-interview over the phone.)

Then I waited for about a month and a half before I was called with the orientation date.

If my store is any indication, you basically have the job already. Target is ALWAYS hiring. You'd really have to mess up your interview for you not to get it.

I remember how excited and bright eyed I was too... oh how time distorts things... GOOD LUCK!
Most of the questions they asked me were past work experience like: "Tell me about a time you took initiative." or "Tell me of a time you came together as a team to finish a task."

As for dress attire I went in skinny black jeans, button up shirt with open collar and rolled up sleeves, casual vest, and converse. I thought that was okay since I had to go to my past job after that.

And if you get the infamous "Tell me your greatest weakness." question, just go with:


^It's what got me hired.
If my store is any indication, you basically have the job already. Target is ALWAYS hiring. You'd really have to mess up your interview for you not to get it.

That is the thing all stores are not the same. You were asked if you want the job but at my store we only check availability ovee the phone then do an intensive interview in person.

My store has hired about 10 people over the last 2 months and turned down almost 50 over that time period. @LUR99 , I think of Target as an easy job to get hired but when I look on Jas a lot of people just dont make the cut.
HRZone, not exactly filling me with confidence ;) Trying to remain optimistic, but to hear more people don't make it than do....kinda scary ;)
Trying to come up with answers to common interview questions, having a hard time with 1 in particular. Tell me about a time with you had conflict at work....I never really have! haha...Not sure what to say if they ask that...
Definitely want you to be confident but also dont want you to think an interview = hired. You should be in there now let us know how it went.
So the girl who interviewed me seemed like she liked me, seemed to think my answers were good. Hard to say for sure tho. They said she would have kept me in for a second interview, but they only had 1 executive in the store, who was working the floor, so couldn't come in to see me today. They said they would call probably tomorrow, but for sure by Monday, to schedule another interview. She didnt really say one way or another what she thought, but there were lots of smiles and laughter, and rapport seemed good. So, I guess I'm optimistic. All I asked her was making sure this was for a perm position and not seasonal, which she confirmed.

Funny story from today...I was sent to the break room to wait. A few minutes after I sat down, a young girl walks in and introduces herself. She then asks me if I'd like to see her resume, LOL! She thought I was the interviewer ;) We both had a giggle, and it actually helped me relax a bit. She went in for her interview before me. She was in for a seasonal position.
That is the thing all stores are not the same. You were asked if you want the job but at my store we only check availability ovee the phone then do an intensive interview in person.

My store has hired about 10 people over the last 2 months and turned down almost 50 over that time period. @LUR99 , I think of Target as an easy job to get hired but when I look on Jas a lot of people just dont make the cut.

We hired over 10 in the last two months.Not everyone who applies gets called for an interview and not everyone who gets an interview gets the job! We do 2, sometimes even 3 interviews. If one interviewer has hesitations, the applicant does not get the job. It wasn't always like that but we are trying to reduce turn over. I only had one interview and was hired on the spot.
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