Inventory overstock

Sep 25, 2017
What do I do to stop receiving more of a certain product? I've done three, maybe four, chat bot sessions for a certain kind of mouthwash. I have over 100 bottles now that two more cases arrived today. Can't send it back to the DC because it contains alcohol. The always-helpful chat bot told me to just flex it out and let it sell down. Um, sure, but how about just not sending anymore? Like for the rest of the year? There are a couple other kinds where I have quite a lot, but one kind in particular is taking over my back room space.
I don't know. I requested via Chatbot to not receive a specific DPCI, and I keep getting more!

I think I have like 80 in the backroom, plus a dozen or so on the floor. I sell 2-3, and get 6 more.
I haven't done this in a while and odds are nothing will happen given all the inventory fuckery with COVID, but try checking the DPCI in the Inventory Tracking Application (search on Workbench for a link) to see what the OTL is. If it's crazy high, submit a ticket to have it lowered (make sure to mention your OHs and sales trends if you aren't selling them very fast). That will (hopefully) prevent more from being sent to your store.

OTLs change.. seemingly at random, I've noticed, but having it lowered will hopefully give you a decent window of time to sell through your excess inventory before you receive more. It depends on your store/district/group/etc.., but many DSDs and ODs are okay with stores keeping excess inventory like that in casepacks to avoid clogging up WACOs or the salesfloor. Of course, many DSDs and ODs are silly and demand the smallest possible amount of units in the back while also having a perfectly zoned salesfloor.. so.. yeah.
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Sweep it back. I got like 700 eaches of bullseye gummy’s once. I requested a sweep cause there was no way in hell I was gonna sell them all before they expired. They didn’t send them back either, I got lucky.
Lower your capacity
Unless it's changed, Target doesn't consider store-specific capacity when they decide how much freight to send you. There's a presentation minimum (the fewest of an item you can have on a shelf and still have it look decent), and then I'm sure some internal forecast stuff, and then sometimes they just run out of room at the warehouse/distribution center to store things so they offload them to stores. This happened a few(?) years ago with nail polish remover, like every store in New England was getting cases and cases and cases of nail polish remover for a couple months because there was so much of it wherever it was centrally stored that it was a fire hazard. I wouldn't be surprised if something similar was happening with the mouthwash.
Reopen your ticket or submit a new one and say you still need help, then ask for the OTL to be reduced and/or allow a sweep under special circumstances.
We've been getting stuff that's already salvage... The DBOs walk from the truck line to my Salvage Sort pallet every morning... it's like a choreographed ballet
This is happening with TVs and Baby water at our store. Seriously, we are hardly selling any TVs, but we'll get a half dozen each truck.