Archived Isnt a Witness Required when you get pull to the Office

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Sep 7, 2013
Its just Curiosity But recently the STL pull my friend to the office for reason Unknown to me, one thing i know is that it was just the stl there, the Hr wasn't present, isnt that against the rules i mean is the first time i ever seen that happen. maybe that STL doesnt need a witness but i dont know, anyone know?
Umm.... the STL could have been talking to your friend about anything, whether it be positive/negative performance feedback, just a chat session regarding his job/the store, or anything else. If it was a termination I think HR and the STL might do that together if they both happened to be working but as far as I know, that's not required.

A second salaried employee is required when AP is questioning an internal theft suspect/perp I think...maybe I'm off on that one so I'll let one of the AP gurus here clarify that.
They'll have a "witness" if it's a termination or often if it's a male STL/TL and a female team member... But no idea if it's even required or just a good idea.
no offense, but it's always best to not make yourself an advocate for a coworker. not knowing the entire situation, you are putting yourself into a tenuous position. Until Target is forced into allowing union reps, whatever happens between employees and managers is going to be between tjem.
They'll have a "witness" if it's a termination or often if it's a male STL/TL and a female team member... But no idea if it's even required or just a good idea.

witness is not required to terminate. The TL can even be the one that does this if they are competent enough.
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