Archived Job interviews

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Oct 11, 2011
Well again I have been asked to come to another interview in this process of looking for work outside of Target. I have went through available Media job applications but no luck in that area. However I thought I would take a shot at applying for a call center job. Thinking nothing of it, I submitted an application last night and got a call this after noon for An interview tommorw morning. This is ideally not what I would want to do but it is a lot better pay (actually would be getting paid a salary!!!!!). So it is full time an better pay, also they offer over time. They said they are trying to fill up these spots fast due to their next training course starting in June. So perhaps this would be a good experience for me. What thugs have you heard about call center jobs?I know they are stressful but again I need a change of scenery.
Plenty of stress where I am.
I'd just be going from fry pan into the fire.
My mother actually works at one. They are very stressful, and if you work with guests @ Spot and can keep composure, you should be fine. They are big on meeting numbers though.
Well I have dealt with guests in the past with two retailers prior to Target, but have only had to do such 10% of the time during my two years with spot (since I am BR). But yea I agree about keeping spot as a part time gig, probably work some evenings or just do weekends (depending on my work schedule IF I got the job at the call center).
UPDATE: Hey all, well wanted to give you guys an update. My first interview was very simple and went well. Was called back for a second interview which took all day (because it was with 20 other people). So they did a 15 minute one on one interview and weeded out the ones that they didnt see fit. Fortunately, they liked my personality and the answers I gave to what they asked. The next step was to take both a typing test and an assessment, again passed and others did not. So I was given stuff for my drug test and background check. Drug test came back fine and still awaiting background check results. So I should be getting a callback this week hopefully. BUT this update is more so about something else. Before my second interview I got a call from a studio that I had interned at about a year ago for a couple weeks and that I had put in application with a few days ago. I was asked if I would like to come in for an interview for their broadcast engineer position. Being that I do not have prior experience in the specific section, I am familiar with what they do and it is in my field. It is an entry level postion and would be salary based. So what could I say, but YES! So that is tomorrow morning and I really hope that I get it, because it would be the start of my career in the full time work aspect.
Thanks for all the support! It went well! They said that though they are looking for someone who is geared towards more of the engineering side rather than the creative aspect (which I understand). However, said "But I have no doubt that you could do the job with some training from us. We have three more applicants, I will keep your resume on hand if we need to speak again. But definetly keep in contact with us". While it wasn't the outcome I had hoped, still very encouraging to have a big exec say that he was impressed with my resume :excited:
Well got the call today from Direct TV, and got the job, so I will be limiting my time with Target to about once a a week very soon during training. I will be now in the double digits club!
Whoo-hoo! Congrats!
Another about to be set free...
*dabs eyes with a hankie*
Thanks Redeye, I am not sure how I will celebrate when I leave Target after the training period at Direct TV. I am thinking a trash can, kerosene oil, a match, and my two pairs oh kahki's and red shirts being burned along with my name tag. But my last day is something to look forward to. I want to go out with class but also feel empowered at the same time lol
Thanks Redeye, I am not sure how I will celebrate when I leave Target after the training period at Direct TV. I am thinking a trash can, kerosene oil, a match, and my two pairs oh kahki's and red shirts being burned along with my name tag. But my last day is something to look forward to. I want to go out with class but also feel empowered at the same time lol

LOCU the electronics stockroom, using somebody else's PDA!
A khaki bonfire is good....
LOCUing the elec stockroom is WICKED!
StaticSun I love your idea. I actually had a thread on here a while ago titled "going out with a BANG" and many had very creative idea's. I will definetly do something involving the overhead microphone. LOCUing the electronics stockroom, AP would sh*t themselves (but it is rather tempting). I might LOCU a few things (but nothing too terrible, because I like my backroom crew I work with). But I have a few weeks to plan it since I will still be with spot during training, but after that I will say "iiiiiiiiii'mmmmm outta here"!
Congrats. It is suggested to leave spot without doing any harm the store process. Make sure you do the 2 week paperwork. You never know you may have to come back to spot in the future. Stay in touch!
Ordering 50 pizza's in the name of the ETL-HR to be delivered at lunch time?
Hide all of the extended warranty cards. :D

Or if it is inventory time, hide all of the inventory prep signs and paper work. :D
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Well again I have been asked to come to another interview in this process of looking for work outside of Target. I have went through available Media job applications but no luck in that area. However I thought I would take a shot at applying for a call center job. Thinking nothing of it, I submitted an application last night and got a call this after noon for An interview tommorw morning. This is ideally not what I would want to do but it is a lot better pay (actually would be getting paid a salary!!!!!). So it is full time an better pay, also they offer over time. They said they are trying to fill up these spots fast due to their next training course starting in June. So perhaps this would be a good experience for me. What thugs have you heard about call center jobs?I know they are stressful but again I need a change of scenery.

I've been unemployed since December 17th of last year, i had a seasonal temporary Target job last Fall but was released, let go, since then i've had 10 job interviews, 2 of them being at different Target locations each-time, and still no luck getting hired, it's very frustrating for me.
I've been unemployed since December 17th of last year, i had a seasonal temporary Target job last Fall but was released, let go, since then i've had 10 job interviews, 2 of them being at different Target locations each-time, and still no luck getting hired, it's very frustrating for me.

Yeah, it can be tough. Hang in there, I'm sure you'll find something somewhere.
but the fact i've been getting job interviews lately is something very new for me, because for a while i struggled to even get an interview in the first place, it was a struggle for me before i got hired at Target job last fall, although unfortuneately i'm no longer employed there, i wish they could give me fully specific detailed
information about my early December 17th release, because the fact i did not get to work on Christmas Eve is weird, suspicious.
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