Archived Leave of Absence needed?

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Starbucks Shift Supervisor
Sep 5, 2012
I currently have 80+ hours of Vacation banked. I would like to take 2 weeks off. Will I need to take a Leace of Absence (because it is more than 1 week)? Or will a simple Paid Time Off request would do? I ask because I remember in the past, someone said I had to take a Leave of Absence if I take more than 7 days off.
You can take two weeks off.
It would be ten working days with four non working days.
One regular paycheck.
You can't take more hours than a regular paycheck.
So if you normally get 32 hours that's as much as you can take for one period.
I already know that I can't use more than what my average hours are. So my average hours is 38 hours. I can only use 38 hours for 1 of the 2 weeks? Or can I use 38 hours for each week of the 2?
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