Archived leaving money behind

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May 27, 2012
Hi was wondering if anyone knows what the corrective action is for leaving money in a till?
What exactly is the issue? Circumstances?
I was closing a service desk register one night and an etl let me know there's an investigation going on due to the fact that a small bundle of ones was left over in the register the next day. So my question is if there is a corrective action for leaving money in the till after its been closed
What exactly is the issue? Circumstances?
The best practice says you will not receive a corrective action for leaving money in the registers at night - it is equivalent to having it locked in the safe.

You might get a talking to for leaving money in a register where you're supposed to remove everything - aka satellite and GS registers.
What best practice is this.
The best practice says you will not receive a corrective action for leaving money in the registers at night - it is equivalent to having it locked in the safe.

You might get a talking to for leaving money in a register where you're supposed to remove everything - aka satellite and GS registers.
At our store, the GSTLs/GSAs pull all of the money (except coins) and replace it with Start Funds everynight when we close. They also said the same about it being secured like the safe unless the drawer was not closed properly.
the guest service registers don't have start funds. So we can't leave any money in the register but when the lod opened them in the morning he saw I left a set of ones in the register
At our store, the GSTLs/GSAs pull all of the money (except coins) and replace it with Start Funds everynight when we close. They also said the same about it being secured like the safe unless the drawer was not closed properly.
This is best practices as related to the Smart banking system adopted by the company ~3 yrs ago.
Service desk registers have always been emptied at night & rebanked according to protocol. The new system, however, also closes down the register at night - just like the lanes. Only those with GSTL/GSA clearance & above can log in to open them so they are, in effect, system-locked.
The most you could receive is a coaching because the money could've been overlooked during that salesdate count but it'll depend on your store's leadership & their view of it.
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The most you could receive is a coaching because the money could've been overlooked during that salesdate count but it'll depend on your store's leadership & their view of it.

I agree with this, you leave money in the registers over night so the most they can get you on is causing a shortage for the days count in the Cash Office. That be all, really.
Everyone keeps saying final so im like ughh I mean could I get a final like wtf I was just one mistake?
Everyone keeps saying final so im like ughh I mean could I get a final like wtf I was just one mistake?

What position are you? Plus, why did LOD bank the GS registers the next day? That's weird, unless GSTL/GSA called out. Anyways, yes the best practice is called "Smart Banking" and it is listed under "Best Practices" - "Front End".

Anybody who is keyed as "Guest Service Trained" in the POS can close the service desk registers out, but only a "Supervisor" (ETL/TL/GSA/Brand TMs) can re-open them in the morning.
Hey I'm a fairly new gsa who is slowly transitioning to only fsa hence my name lol but the way our store works is that the lod banks gs and pharmacy in the morning and gsas take out the money at night. So anyway I was helping out my gsa that night close her registers cuz I was guest service that night. And usually I'm suuuuper cautious but for some reason I don't know how I missed that small bit of money.
What position are you? Plus, why did LOD bank the GS registers the next day? That's weird, unless GSTL/GSA called out. Anyways, yes the best practice is called "Smart Banking" and it is listed under "Best Practices" - "Front End".

Anybody who is keyed as "Guest Service Trained" in the POS can close the service desk registers out, but only a "Supervisor" (ETL/TL/GSA/Brand TMs) can re-open them in the morning.
Hey I'm a fairly new gsa who is slowly transitioning to only fsa hence my name lol but the way our store works is that the lod banks gs and pharmacy in the morning and gsas take out the money at night. So anyway I was helping out my gsa that night close her registers cuz I was guest service that night. And usually I'm suuuuper cautious but for some reason I don't know how I missed that small bit of money.

You should be fine. It's a Final Warning if any money is left outside of the till. It's also Final Warning if you forget a Canvas Bag that has money in it out.

If it were left in a Guest Service drawer, it should be fine. The $25 will be counted in the next day's sales. The only thing that is wrong with that is the statistics change. So if you forget once, nothing is really going to happen in most cases. I suppose if your ETL is a hardass it's possible.
My etls arent too bad I suppose Ill be ok. Its just that one of the gsas was informwd by our etl hr that if we forgot money its an automatic final so idk if she was just trying to scare her or what but I hope im ok.,my etl sf/ge didnt even know the corrective action so thats why I was curious llll
You hould be fine. It's a Final Warning if any money is left outside of the till. It's also Final Warning if you forget a Canvas Bag that has money in it out.

If it were left in a Guest Service drawer, it should be fine. The $25 will be counted in the next day's sales. The only thing that is wrong with that is the statistics change. So if you forget once, nothing is really going to happen in most cases. I suppose if
your ETL is a hardass it's possible.
I really like all my tm and my store its a small workchart one store but we all have to work hard to earn our titles which makes me worried about losing mine because I am slowly moving forward
If it's a first occurance & your leadership is cool, it may just be a coaching.
If it's part of a pattern of mistakes, mmmmmmaybe a little harsher.
Hopefully, you & your GSA have learned from this event. Is it suggested to ask your Gstl for a refresher on closing front end stuff.
Annoying? By asking your Gstl for it, shows that you want to learn & follow best practice on the front end. You did say you were getting out of gs & into food. Because sometimes food service will cover GSA/Gstl shifts or breaks.
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Nah f her and my sr tl theyre both annoying as f....

Doesn't matter how annoying they are - you need to suck it up.

Best Practice - "Leaving monies in the register is equivilant to locking it in the safe. It will not lead to corrective action for "Failure to Secure Funds"."
This is best practices as related to the Smart banking system adopted by the company ~3 yrs ago.
Service desk registers have always been emptied at night & rebanked according to protocol. The new system, however, also closes down the register at night - just like the lanes. Only those with GSTL/GSA clearance & above can log in to open them so they are, in effect, system-locked.
The most you could receive is a coaching because the money could've been overlooked during that salesdate count but it'll depend on your store's leadership & their view of it.

The salesdate thing doesn't really matter that much... All you need to do is E-Mail CSA and let them know 😉

At worst you could get a counselling.. My HRBP intrepreted leaving money out, but in a secured location (the Cash Office just not in the safe) as a counselling and not a final warning. Otherwise unsecured funds results in a final warning.
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