Archived Leaving Target, Vacation Pay, 401k, something that rhymes with K...

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Dec 17, 2011
So in case you missed it, I am leaving Target. I have been with the company for 6+ years now, I have been a GSA type person for 3. I had totally plateaued at this store and decided to try for GSTL again. If they didn't give it to me, I had plan B, which was Verizon Wireless. Well guess what, AE 2012 had a heavy hand in what happened, and I did not get offered the GSTL position. After being told over the phone that I did not get the position by my STL (instead of in person...) I put in my 2 weeks. My last day is March the 2nd and I will finally be free from Bullseye (for now).

Now the reason for this thread. How the HECK do I get my vacation pay and 401k rolled over? I'm lucky if I even see my ETL-HR anymore. When she's not locked in her office she's making a mad dash for the exit. I want to get this taken care of ASAP because I know how Target loves to drag their feet (took 4 solid weeks before I found out if I got the GSTL position or not). Any help is appreciated, I have already tried eHR and it was 0 help in figuring out what to do.
vacation will pay out automatically on your last chech. personal hours will not. you can roll your 401k into your new company's 401k, or a brokerage/mutual fund IRA and not have the penalty (i think it's around 10%). go to your my benefits website or call tmsc. there should be forms for you and they can explain what type of penalties and stuff you get if you withdraw early, etc.
although if you are just rolling the 401K into another brokerage plan - there will be no penalties - it only takes a few weeks to accomplish once you fill out the forms.
it depends on what state you are in, some states require you to be paid out on your last day, others will be the following Friday, and yet others on whatever happens to be your next cycle check to receive. Depending on your state will determine if you get your PH hours. If your average hours are below 32, you probably don't have any of those anyway.
So in case you missed it, I am leaving Target. I have been with the company for 6+ years now, I have been a GSA type person for 3. I had totally plateaued at this store and decided to try for GSTL again. If they didn't give it to me, I had plan B, which was Verizon Wireless. Well guess what, AE 2012 had a heavy hand in what happened, and I did not get offered the GSTL position. After being told over the phone that I did not get the position by my STL (instead of in person...) I put in my 2 weeks. My last day is March the 2nd and I will finally be free from Bullseye (for now).

Now the reason for this thread. How the HECK do I get my vacation pay and 401k rolled over? I'm lucky if I even see my ETL-HR anymore. When she's not locked in her office she's making a mad dash for the exit. I want to get this taken care of ASAP because I know how Target loves to drag their feet (took 4 solid weeks before I found out if I got the GSTL position or not). Any help is appreciated, I have already tried eHR and it was 0 help in figuring out what to do.
make sure you use up your ph before you go,as you loose them otherwise.

I wish I had done this. I had a vacation scheduled but I ended up quitting right before I left for that vacation (gave notice 10 days before and worked all remaining scheduled shifts). I would have used the personal hours if I had taken the scheduled vacation, but instead they just evaporated into thin air. I got a check for the vacation pay though and a check to reimburse me for the excess 401k deduction from that vacation pay check.
Luckily I only have 7 hours of PH left due to using most of them in January. Thanks for all the replies guys, very informative 🙂
We went back a few weeks and wherever I could use at least .25 PH hours I did to keep using it up before I left . Target owed me every minute of my PH hours since I never got to take breaks. I got my vacation time on last check and did nothing with my 401K yet since I had enough money in there just to keep it there until I decide if I want it elsewhere.
Transfer 401k without delay. Otherwise, if 401k hits your bank acct for 1 day, it is considered income. Tax man will have a field day.
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