Archived Lets say I lost my keys...

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Apr 17, 2012
After 8 years of carrying keys for Target, I might have actually lost them. I'm not giving up just yet, but lets say I don't find them. What's the next step? I know a Final Warning is a definite (I'm an ETL), but I heard something about having to cover the cost of re-coring the building and I work in a big store...can someone please tell me what the actual policy is?

Greatly appreciate it.
It's going to depend on a couple of factors. Where did you lose them? Was it close to the store they are used in? Is it likely they will be found again without the worry of them being used inappropriately? Your STL and DTL will have to review these and other factors to determine if a re-core is needed. You are correct that anyone who is a signed key carrier who loses their set will be put on an instant Final Warning for a year, it comes with that notice when we sign our cards. The re-core set, if it comes to that, is a complete set that will be sent to the store to cover all perimeter locks and internal secure locations. May end up short a few locks short after the set is done(takes 24 hours to cover it all securely), but they will have to be ordered after the re-core so they ship you the correct ones.

As for covering the cost of the re-core, I can't say for certain, but I've never come across anything mentioning it. I wouldn't think they could legally require you to do that as it's a store asset and they are responsible for their own assets.
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Very good question..Not sure of the answer, but reminds of a time one of our ETL's walked out of the store after being fired with his Key's, refusing to turn them over. We ended up sending the State Troopers to his house to collect the Key's and after apparent threats of having multiple copies of key's. Target apparently garnished his final pay check for a complete record of the store. I think this is an extreme case, and don't think it would apply to you. But Good Luck, hope you find them!!!!!!!
Let's hope your keys were lost in the store. If not, you maybe on final or termed. Ap has recored all access points to the store, if keys are lost or stole outside of the store. You might get lucky & they will be with a magnetic key in the steel somewhere. One etl lucked out that way. He had found them too.
You will not be responsible for the cost of recoring the store. This costs around $10,000 for a full recore (not including the payroll to switch everything out).

Make sure to notify your AP Leader and STL that you are not able to find them at the moment. Lost keys is a Final Warning, but so is failure to report lost keys!
As a former Sr. TL, I was paranoid about having store keys. There was one time I was the opening LOD and I stopped to talk to a SL team member while heading back to receiving, came back out to respond to a call and realized I did not have my keys...I turned pale and my heart rate jumped and I just knew I was about to get fired. After 15 minutes, that same TM I was talking to found my keys laying on a table in Mens basics where I had stopped to talk to her...I was no good the rest of that shift.
I keep my GSTL keys clipped on with a carabiner clip. Reached to my side to grab the keys, but only the carabiner was there. No keys.

When I clipped it on, the keyring fell into my back pocket.

As a former Sr. TL, I was paranoid about having store keys. There was one time I was the opening LOD and I stopped to talk to a SL team member while heading back to receiving, came back out to respond to a call and realized I did not have my keys...I turned pale and my heart rate jumped and I just knew I was about to get fired. After 15 minutes, that same TM I was talking to found my keys laying on a table in Mens basics where I had stopped to talk to her...I was no good the rest of that shift.

I've done that before. Every time I hear the words: Door, Bailer, Compactor, Alarm, Receiving or hear keys jingling. I always reach to make sure mine our still attached to my belt loop. lol
They recently have changed the best practice around "losing" your keys as an ETL or Sr. TL, if you report it within I believe it is 24 or 48 hours it is looked at on a case by case basis and potentially could only be a coaching, it isn’t a Final Warning anymore. Same with forgetting to set an alarm or lock a door, we now review video and check to see if the "LOD" attempted to lock the door or attempted to set the alarm. If they attempted to lock or arm, then nothing may happen or it may just be a coaching. A store I was in had to be recored in the past and it took a half a day to place the order (count each core and make a list of how many we need of each one) and another half day to physically do the recore. Each core is approximately $14 and each key $2, it cost our store about $5,000 to do the recore-which comes out of our stores bottom line (subtract it from any money our store might give back to the company at the end of the year minus all expenses etc). Recores are looked at by a case by case basis as well and they look at how you lost the key and where. If you lost it on vacation in the next state, no recore. You lost it in the store parking lot, probably a recore. Target would never charge a recore to a TM.
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