Archived LOA

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Jun 26, 2014
If one is on LOA due to surgery are you allowed to work another job? I cannot walk due to recovery from surgery but need income as the 70% is not covering bills. If I find a desk job can I take it til I can return? Any suggestions?
I know that when I went on LOA for my surgery, Hewitt is all about documenting every thing. They will ( naturally) contact your Doc to validate your claims about not being able to work and how long you will be out etc. I don't think they would allow you to work another job. They would view it as if you are able to work somewhere else you should be at Spot. They don't see the sensible side of it .
If one is on LOA due to surgery are you allowed to work another job? I cannot walk due to recovery from surgery but need income as the 70% is not covering bills. If I find a desk job can I take it til I can return? Any suggestions?
Would sitting at the fitting room taking calls work? I know the tms we have that couldn't walk did that on short shifts...
20/20 and dateline do shows on people scamming disability all the time. Not that I think you are scamming, but if you are collecting disability from one company and want to collect a salary from another I think it is considered a form of fraud. I would check with Pay&benefits before I took another job. Maybe there is a clause in it that says you can earn that 30% you are missing provided that it is a job that target can't offer you - but somehow I don't think so, or many would collect disability. Hewitt might demand a note from the Dr and if you are able to sit down to work they might require target to provide you with a job where you can sit and that way they won't have to dish out the disability checks.
Thanks for input. I have talked to HR and she is working communicating with district. I am a TL and feel horrible not contributing to this crazy week.
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