Archived Locked out of eHR account.

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Apr 3, 2016
So when I try to access eHR from house, it tells me I'm locked out and I've failed to meet access policy requirements. When I try the site to view my schedule, it says I've entered the wrong password every time and then when I try again it says they're experiencing "processing problems." Weirdest part is my account works fine at the computers at TSC. I've tried calling the help number and both changing my password and "unlocking my account." The password changed fine but my account never unlocked at home. I'm not sure what the problem is unless it's because I answered a security question wrong yesterday. Do I just need to update my security questions? Oh and my account works fine on the MyDevice as well.
Don't have to reset your password at the store. Just need to call this phone number (612) 304-4357.

Yeah, as a GSTL I find it mandatory to keep CSC's/e-HR number on my personal phone. :rolleyes:
Spot had trouble with my time, the other day. I had to answer the security question for view my schedule too. I didn't use the security question before, since I had to set it up, way back when.
From another thread:
Target Client Support Center:
1 (612) 304-4357
To reset your password, press 1, and then 1 for English, and then when prompted enter your
TM number followed by #
Last 4 digits of social security number followed by #
4 digit birth month and day followed by #

Press 1 to reset the password. You can't change your password over the phone, you can reset it and get a temporary password valid for 24 hours. You can only change your password in store, I've heard rumblings that it works from home but it has never worked for me.
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Not able to change my password after resetting it. Unable to view schedule.
Spot had trouble with my time, the other day. I had to answer the security question for view my schedule too. I didn't use the security question before, since I had to set it up, way back when.
From another thread:
Target Client Support Center:
1 (612) 304-4357
To reset your password, press 1, and then 1 for English, and then when prompted enter your
TM number followed by #
Last 4 digits of social security number followed by #
4 digit birth month and day followed by #

Press 1 to reset the password. You can't change your password over the phone, you can reset it and get a temporary password valid for 24 hours. You can only change your password in store, I've heard rumblings that it works from home but it has never worked for me.

Yeah I did all of this, but for some reason I can't access my accounts at home. Same issues I'm having from my original post.
Reset password today at the store. Using your phone, access this link for schedule. Request Rejected - a security question after you login with your tm number.
Any my time functions like asking for day off, etc, May not work at home.
Try logging in now. I had the problem forever too. It asked me to set up security questions and supply a phone number. I can access eHR again from home after like 8 months of not being able to before.
Try logging in now. I had the problem forever too. It asked me to set up security questions and supply a phone number. I can access eHR again from home after like 8 months of not being able to before.

Yeah that just happened to me as well. Didn't do anything different, guess it finally decided to work. Thanks for the help everyone!
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