Archived Lost my Name Tag

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Jan 3, 2015
Do I tell HR? Will I get in trouble in any way? Will I have to pay for the replacement? Just wondering what to expect.
It's probably a relatively small issue but I can't help but feel bad!
No you won't get in trouble.
Happens all the time, especially to people who work the BR.
No you won't have to pay for it but it might be a while before you get a new one so you might have to wear the sticky ones for a while.
Just tell the HR TM and they will order one.
I remember I lost my name tag one time, but coincidentally they were giving everyone new name tags that same day.

Anyway, it shouldn't be an issue. Tell HR and they should have paper ones that you can use temporarily.
If you're at my store you'll be waiting a while for a replacement name tag. Last time I lost mine it took 3 months from when the order was supposedly placed by the HRTM to when my new name tag actually arrived.
It's also possible it will come back. I lost mine condensing Christmas, and was so was my "trainer" name tag. A week later, it showed up back at guest services.

Now I tell you, I lose a nametag and a week later it comes back, but my favorite winter hat gets lost (not a Target brand) but it never shows up again. How in the heck does that make sense?
I'm pretty sure I only wore my own nametag 25% of the time I worked for target. The rest of the time I just grabbed a sticker, one of the terminated TMs name tags, or a vendor nametag. I think you'll be fine. HR will get you a new one.
It's not a big least where I am. We have two drawers filled with them. If they don't have your name, they will use a dymo machine and type one out for you. Sometimes I will take one with a different name on it.. When guests address me by the name from my tag I usually stare at them for a second or two thinking why did they all me that? before I remember i have on a different tag.
Do I tell HR? Will I get in trouble in any way? Will I have to pay for the replacement? Just wondering what to expect.
It's probably a relatively small issue but I can't help but feel bad!
Don't feel happens all the time. They wont charge you for a replacement.
I lost my nametag my first week of wearing a real one- it fell into a guests bag.
Told HR the sitch, wore NTM for another week and got a new one.
Usually not an issue. Depending on your store you may be able to ask for a couple of extras. I keep one stashed at the electronics boat if I happen to forget mine. Otherwise I run around with someone elses name all day.
^I did that once.
We had corp visitors walk in & my badge was nowhere to be found so I grabbed one off another apron.
I was "Raymond" when they came by my counter.
Yeh, shoulda checked first.....
^I did that once.
We had corp visitors walk in & my badge was nowhere to be found so I grabbed one off another apron.
I was "Raymond" when they came by my counter.
Yeh, shoulda checked first.....

There was a couple at our store the GSA and an Electronics TM.
After a break on day where they went out together, I was doing signing in Electronics and noticed his name tag was wrong.
So I walked up to the front just to see if I was right.
Yep, she had his.
So I mentioned it to him.
He didn't look at the tag, he pulled out the shirt and looked at it, shook his head and started walking up front.
A couple years ago we were hit by a bad snow storm and with my car being a little sports car, my dad parked it at his work, he drove a work vehicle, and I drove his jeep. Since I keep my name tag in my car, I didn't have a name tag available. Thankfully at my old store, we had a peg board with random names, and for about a week, I made it a point to grab names of the opposite gender. Was fun messing with the minds of guests.
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