Archived miserable but don't want to let team down...

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After 8 years, I'm officially a guest!
Apr 30, 2014
I'm a barista at my Starbucks which was great at first but being run by Target now has me thinking otherwise.

I'm putting some serious consideration into putting my two weeks in. The only reason I haven't is because Starbucks is so understaffed and I don't want to screw my team over. The ETLs keep saying they'll cross train people over there but nothing has happened and it's been months.

I'm miserable. I dread going to work and when I'm there, I have to fake the,"Hi, how are you today?" because honestly, I don't care anymore. Target has turned me into someone who isn't the nice girl I remember and I want out... I'm just so scared to hurt my team! I love them all and it's already hard enough to work alone (how we usually are) or just two people...I don't want to do that to them! Any suggestions on what to do?
If you find a better job, take it. Don't let the idea of hurting your team by leaving hinder you. Target considers TMs a dime a dozen, and they can replace us at a mire whim.
Let your HR know how you feel. Tell them the stress of being so shorthanded is making you question your ability to stay at Target. If they don't get more people trained/hired in the next month, you'll start looking for other opportunities.
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